Pyroluria test
Does anyone know of a lab performing this test that does not require a doctors script ?
Does anyone know of a lab performing this test that does not require a doctors script ?
I've uploaded my recent pyroluria test in case anyone wants to see what the test is about.
View attachment 1260
I can't find a test for Pyroluria here in India. Will serum Zinc,Copper and Ceruloplasmin be useful? Or should I just try Zinc and P5P for some days and see if it helps. I hate the unavailability of tests here,I hate guesswork
hi arx
Just wondering if you ever trialed taking the Zinc and P5P? I myself just started my own trial of taking higher doses of both. Don't know how accurate any zinc test is, but I just took a zinc tally test and I tasted nothing. I've been taking 50mg's of zinc picolinate per day for quite some time. I've been doing a lot of reading up on Pyroluria lately and I suspect it is possible I could have it.
Hi Rand,
I did try taking for about a week. I increased zinc(in acetate form) to 100 mg/day and then started having some nausea.I stopped taking them then. I too am reading up a lot on pyroluria,and copper toxicity. I'm presently waiting for my hair mineral analysis results,after which I will ponder what to do. I live in India and there is no test for pyroluria here. You might have it in your country. If I were you I'd get it checked...
Hi Cindi,
A little late in responding but I've been reading about this condition in the last few days. Someone above posted a link to information on betterhealthguys website. He has the instructions from Dr Klinghardt who recommends 24 hour for the reason you stated.
I am going to redo mine with these directions - my single sample was borderline positive.
Yes the results came back extremely high.
I repeated it b/c they were so high and they came back even higher.