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Pulsating Head


Senior Member
Everybody knows this pulsating in the head? It feels like my blood vessels expand. Its not all over the day it comes and goes and on some days I am free of it. I've this symptom for a long time. MR Imaging was without results..I wonder if their is an inflammation in my cerebrospinal fluid or if it comes from toxines from the gut like histamin which also can expand blood vessels. My ammonia is high and this can also go into the brain an cause a hepatic encephalitis. Anybody knows anything about this pulsating??


Senior Member
I've had something which I think may be very similar. Do you also feel it in your spine? Do you have any other associated symptoms?


Senior Member
this is part of the inflammation caused by the disease. mine is better after years of antibiotic treatment

you probably feel it more bending forward because more blood rushes to the head


Senior Member
No only in de front of my head, if I bend over its gets more pulsating? Is yours gone now?

Between the eyes or in the forehead or what?

No, I still have mine. It is my primary symptom other than fatigue and PEM.
The pulsating was my first symptom of CFS nearly 5 years ago. That along with a feeling of wooziness (not dizziness). I have so many bizarre, indescribable sensations in my head nearly all the time - it feels like a post-concussion, or as if my head is going to explode from pressure, or there's a brick sitting on my brain, or as if I am slowly being electrocuted. The last feeling is the worst. Any one of these symptoms, if experienced by someone without CFS, would send someone straight to the emergency room. Alas, I'm resigned to them.

I'm also very curious about the longterm antibiotics.
Rural South GA
Let me say first off that I have not been diagnosed, just getting sicker and sicker and an MD that thinks I am nuts after all of my labs and MRI were "normal"

That being said, I believe this is something similar to what has been going on with me for a long time and yes, it will about make you crazy. It is with me, not just in my head, but the worst feeling is in my head. It is almost as if I can feel the blood pumping (more like rushing) in every vein. At times I have felt like my head was about to pop open from the rushing pressure.

I have found that this is usually an indication that I need some potassium/Electrolytes. Though I have been a person who has had lifetime low end potassium. And when I take some potassium this feeling subsides a bit.

I have been following the http://cnmwellness.com/wp-content_o...ne-Protocol-Towsend-Feb-Mar-2013-p.-73-79.pdf
for about 3 weeks now (for other reasons not necessarily to help with this pulsating feeling) but I have noticed as a nice side benefit that this pulsating feeling has all but gone! Which in one way was fantastic (gosh that is a horrible feeling) but I have had to then find other markers of knowing when I need potassium.

I have been using the Pantethine and sunflower lecithin to make mine and using water, coconut water and coconut milk as the liquid, because I seem to need all the help I can get with potassium.

I can't say enough good about following the MAP for the tachycardia / Dysrhythmia I was having. At times it felt like my heart would just stop briefly then machine gun beat and THAT is a worse feeling than the pulsing/ rushing.

Take Care, Ginger