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Prove my cfs theory - drink milk


Senior Member
Drink 4 glasses of milk with some carbs and post in this thread what happened. If your fatigue got exponentially worse, thank me for solving your problem.


Senior Member
Sorry if I'm being dense, but are you saying that drinking milk causes CFS?

And drinking a large amount of milk will amplify the symptoms enough to prove your point?

If someone avoided all dairy for a year - make that all animal products - and didn't recover would you assume this did not apply to them?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Drink 4 glasses of milk with some carbs and post in this thread what happened. If your fatigue got exponentially worse, thank me for solving your problem.

Pretty bold assumption that doesn't fit with most research. Probably most of us here haven't touched dairy products for years, not even sniffed them. We still have ME/CFS.

If I drank 4 glasses of milk and some carbs I'd be sick for a week at least. Certainly not willing to do that. I haven't touched dairy or sugar in more than a decade.

I don't think it follows that if consume dairy products with some carbs and feel worse, that this indicates a cause of CFS. If that were so, many of us would be well and the researchers could all wrap it all up and concentrate on something else. It is well known that most of us are intolerant of dairy and sugars.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
Like the others said, there are many who have ME/CFS and dont drink milk and are still sick. If one does drink milk and gets sick from it, it doesnt prove your theory either as there are several different reasons why drinking that much milk may make someone sick, here's just a few off the top of my head.

1/ The person may have insulin resistance and hence the carbs in the milk put their insulin up too much and hence they are then more unwell (this is why milk gives me issues at times.. i have hyperinsulinemia).

2/ Person could have lactose intollerance

3/ The person may have dairy food intollerances (may not be to the lactose). (I also have this issue at times and can react to something different in the milk then the lactose).


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I gave up milk and most carbs for a year - no benefit. I often drink MORE than 4 glasses of milk and eat carbs to no detriment. This hypothesis, whatever it is, does not apply to me. However, I am in Australia and the type of milk we have here is not the same as in many other countries due to different dairy cattle breeds.

Is this based on a lactose intolerance hypothesis? Lactic acid perhaps? Not all of us respond the same way. I see from your profile that lactic acid is indeed your hypothesis. One of the problems with this is that a lot of the excessive lactic acid is spinal fluid only - not bloodstream. The issue is different in different tissues. Lactic acid also does not currently explain many of the diverse pathophysiological findings. It is likely to be part of the story, and maybe the dominant part in some patients, but its unlikely to be the whole story.

Bye, Alex


Senior Member
Drinking glasses of milk and reporting that I feel worse proves that I can't tolerate milk. Eating sulpherous veges makes me far worse and eatling lots of wholegrains does as well.

When I cut milk, veges and wholegrains out of my diet it doesn't cure the core ME symptoms of sore throats glands and PEM.

It's insulting to patients to suggest that a simple dietry change would cure ME. We've been doing that for decades and comparing notes.

I can't speak for all cases of chronic fatigue so you may be referring to a sub-group there but really diet is one of the first places people start when they feel tired. It's at the "womans magazine" level of health care.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
I didn't know I was cured from my CFS, really! I am on a no grain no diary diet for years and still use a wheelchair for going outside, perhaps because I love it?


iherb code TAK122
Oh if only it was that simple!! Haven't touched dairy/sugar/gluten/egg products for over 4/5 years and still sick.

Snow Leopard

South Australia
I have lactose malabsorption, indicated by a hydrogen breath test. (but no allergies). While avoiding milk products helps, it doesn't lead to a radical improvement. I believe the positive result was due to a sensitive gut, rather than true intolerance (eg I still produce the lactase enzyme).


I think xks is having a good laugh while we all try to find some logic in this silly assertion.
CFS has far more symptoms than just lactic acid poisoning. We all know we have excess lactic acid build up every time we walk up stairs. Avoiding dairy foods doesn't change that. Neither does taking heaps of antibiotics and Mutaflor for years - yep, I've tried that too!


Senior Member
Get a stool culture and tell me what bacteria predominates. I bet you it is lactobacillus lactic acid bacteria. Measure your D-Lactate levels in a urine sample. Then tell me I'm so full of crap.


Senior Member
Is xks201 talking about chronic fatigue, the symptom of many, many conditions, or ME/CFS the serious neuroimmune illness? Use of the phrase "Chronic Fatigue" suggests a lack of awareness and/or knowledge of the illness.


Get a stool culture and tell me what bacteria predominates. I bet you it is lactobacillus lactic acid bacteria. Measure your D-Lactate levels in a urine sample. Then tell me I'm so full of crap.

I've already done that, it's part of the standard KDM workup. He would have noticed if all his CFS patients had lactic-acid-producing bacteria dominating their stool cultures - the guy is more fecally obsessed than a German proctologist.

Can I really tell you you're full of crap now? Lactically acidic crap?

Sweetie, I appreciate you're trying to help us, but we're laughing, cos at least half of us on PR have already had our poo tested and what we found in there makes lactic acid look like a walk in the park.

BTW did you know lactic acid is a very common food additive? I just fed my husband a jar of ready-made bolognaise sauce on his pasta with lactic acid in it. Has he got CFS now?

Who diagnosed you with CFS by the way?


Senior Member
Is xks201 talking about chronic fatigue, the symptom of many, many conditions, or ME/CFS the serious neuroimmune illness? Use of the phrase "Chronic Fatigue" suggests a lack of awareness and/or knowledge of the illness.

I'm not sure. At one point in chat a few weeks ago he kept on asking me whether having my gallbladder out had cured my fatigue. This had not, in fact, been the reason why I'd had that surgery. I think he may have meant it sarcastically, however.


Senior Member
Get a stool culture and tell me what bacteria predominates. I bet you it is lactobacillus lactic acid bacteria. Measure your D-Lactate levels in a urine sample. Then tell me I'm so full of crap.

Nope! I've got 10 predominant and opportunistic bacteria on my metametrix test, and lactobacillus lactic acid isn't on the list.