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Prostatitis, Pelvic Pain etc. in CFS


Senior Member

I was surprised there was no prostatitis thread, so I thought I would start one, especially given the link between XMRV and the prostate.

I had prostatitis (or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome as we call it in the UK I believe) in the years before I came down with CFS, and have always wondered if there was a connection. it always cleared up with antibiotics, but became increasingly frequent in the time before I became ill with CFS (during a period of great stress). I have heard that PWC's are more likely to have prostatitis, so does that mean prostatitis could be used as an early-warning signal for those susceptable to CFS.

I'd be interested to hear if any others have prostatitis and when they had it (before or after CFS).



p.s. I find quercetin helps with the pain.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Hi, Cig.

The man I was married to for many years had prostatitis. I was (and am) the one with ME/CFS, not him. My illness began before I met him, and his prostatis developed some years later.

I had not known that prostatitis was common in men with ME/CFS but can't say I am surprised.

Thanks for the information. I will mention this to him.

Take care.



Senior Member
interstitial cystitis is common in women with CFS and UNDERDIAGNOSED in all men. many men with i.c. are told they have prostatitis. i.c. does not respond to antibiotics. i do take a supplement for i.c. that does contain quercitin.
I have CFS since many years. It started with chronic prostatitis that I got after a sexual contact. The problems/infection was to start with mostly located to the prostate. After a couple periods of antibiotic treatment the prostatitis symptoms got worse and I started to get symptoms of CFS (headaces, weekness ++), that have persisted. For me it is clear that it is a sexually transmittable "bud" (XMRV ?) that causes both prostatitis and CFS. Anyone else having the same experience?


Senior Member
I'm prostatitis(CPPS?)/CFS sufferer too, but I'm sure in my case it it not STD. It began in 2008 with mild groin and pelvic pain, stronger after ejaculation. About 10 days later I felt sick, and that's when I began to experience CFS symtoms. Except the fatigue and headaches, in the beginning I also had chills, but never had temperature. I made microbiological examination and it showed I have Candida and Trichomonas so I took antifungals and some other medication for Trihomonas (don't remember the name). A new microbiological examination showed my semen was clean. In spite of that I'm still sick - have mild groin and pelvic pains, and CFS. So I don't know if Candida and Trihomonas are the reason for my condition. Except the antifungals and the anti-Trichomonas med, I have also tried courses with different antibiotics - Zinnat, Doxycycline, Cyprofloxacin - also without luck.


Senior Member
interstitial cystitis is common in women with CFS and UNDERDIAGNOSED in all men. many men with i.c. are told they have prostatitis. i.c. does not respond to antibiotics. i do take a supplement for i.c. that does contain quercitin.

I'm not a doctor but I think Interstitial cystitis doesn't give pains after ejaculation, which are typical for prostatitis, so I can't understand how these two disorders can be confused.
I was just about to start a thread about prostatitis, when I saw this one. There doesn't seem to be many replies though, not sure if it's something that people don't like to talk about. I've had CFS for 13 years, and prostatitis has been a problem for me for the last 10.

It has waxed and waned over that time, made worse by anti depressants and DHEA. Recently I have had a number of relapses, and the prostate has gotten worse after each one. It's now quite painful, uncomfortable, I have to pee a lot, and it's not getting any better. It has now become one of the worst aspects of the whole experience of ME for me, and that's saying something.

I've taken antibiotics before to try and treat it, but they did nothing. It is intrinsically linked to my energy levels, and the state of my cfs, strangely, when my prostate is sore is when I'm likely to have a little more energy. No-one has ever given me any explanation for this, and for why it is so effected, to me it would seem to offer some kind of clue as to what causes the CFS, if only someone with a bit of knowledge would look into it.

I'd be interested to hear of any other experiences. I can't believe that this is as infrequent as it appears from the small number of responses on this thread.


Senior Member
I'm afraid chronic non-bacterial prostatitis and interstitial cystitis are two more mystery conditions possibly caused by neurological damage. Overactive bladder is yet another possible manifestation. You can get any number of explanations from different doctors. My take has been 'they just don't know'. The common factor, other than neurology comes from mucous membranes, where recent reports say a certain virus prefers to replicate.


Senior Member
i had chronic prostatis in the years before cfs..exactly from 2003 to 2006 i troubled with prostatis (they found chlamydia T. and Hpv) and in 2005 after many antibiotic treatment started my cfs..i always wondered if it was the start of everything


Seattle, Washington
I had pretty bad prostatitis for 2 years before I started to get the PEM and fatigue. Now, whenever my prostatitis hurts the least is when I feel the best. The warmer the weather, the less my prostate aches, usually.
Iv had ME/CFS for about three years maybe a little more. Had a positive MELISA for lyme and bartonella. EBV, HHV6 also active a year ago. Recently I became afflicted with cpps or something like that. Urinary problems, lack of sensation in penis, tingly feeling in there. While this has happened my me/cfs has went into remission of some sort. Migranes, jaw ache, liver pain, fatigue, muscle pain and brain fog. Its all really calmed down. I do feel really depressed though