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Prof Stephen Holgate talk to patients/EdMesh: Understanding mechanisms of ME/CFS


Senior Member
I don't know a patient who has seen him for a couple of years now. Then he was firmly of the opinion that there were no active infections in CFS and whatever had triggered their disease had gone so no tests and no antivirals or immune modulators. He still believed in CBT and GET then I was told.

Dr Lloyd was best known in Australia by ME patients for

1. his work with Dr Ian Hickie (who was considered the Australian Simon Wessely)
2. his work in replacing Myalgic encephalomyelitis with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Australia
3. authorship as part of a group with the terrible 2002 Australian CFS guidelines
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Senior Member
or maybe Lloyd was asked to come and talk on that one particular study, as it seems more useful than some of his other papers (it is not his most recent paper, which seems most typical for a presentation at a conference)

From looking at the conference my guess would be that Llloyd was brought across because of this

"“If you had to choose a place in the body where the problem lies we’re already 99.9% confident the problem is in the brain and we already have some ideas about how the brain might be disturbed to generate this illness,“ Dr Lloyd said."

As it does seem to fit in with some of the other speakers. Also the lack of doctors and researchers at the conference with an interest in treating viruses in ME and CFS

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