Prof Stephen Holgate @AfME conference "we are bathing in ignorance"


Senior Member
Cornwall England
Ha! I wonder what he meant by 'silly science' :) In the last 5 minutes. Very good address from Prof. Holgate, and as he also announced the CFS/ME Collaborative Inaugural Science Conference next September (2014), I guess we can start to talk about that as well. Should be an article in the early New Year ;)


Senior Member
That was great! Plus now I get it about genome and striation and maths and sequencing and computational modelling etc etc brain hurts now though quite badly.done in!


Senior Member
@Firestormm :) it was more understanding for me in the sense of what this new technology is and how its all fitting together to be applied and used in the bigger picture.
I hear these words used genome, striation, mapping, proteins, computational modelling and know more maths is being used with data etc, but only have very limited understanding and he put it all together for me.
The application of this and how it is being used and the tools that have been developed blows you away really.
What they can do with it and how they are using it for real benefit for people right now.

It is mind blowing for me how this will change and is changing medicine.
I have a sense that chronic diseases will now have there time and energy in medicine in a multitude of areas.
Its a new age.
How could they not crack ME with this technology, approach and skills?
Some might think I am being over the top, but I don't think I will still take time but there is serious hope.:redface:


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Systems biology is what I wanted to get into with my background in computing, biochemistry and systems. Its nice to see this happening. I completely agree this is a game changer. If there can be funding, proven success and so more funding, and we avoid the silly sciences, then things will change.

The OMI in the US is trying to do something similar in collaboration with US groups.

IBM has indeed written stuff on this, and developed software. Here is an example:


Near Cognac, France
Thanks @Firestorm for posting the Holgate vid (I've crap broadband so it took a couple of stabs at it to see the whole thing).

Fascinating - not just from an ME/CFS perspective but other illnesses that have impacted on family and friends.

Just one puzzling note - genetics - Esther Crawley?


Senior Member
Cornwall England
Thanks @Firestorm for posting the Holgate vid (I've crap broadband so it took a couple of stabs at it to see the whole thing).

Fascinating - not just from an ME/CFS perspective but other illnesses that have impacted on family and friends.

Just one puzzling note - genetics - Esther Crawley?

Hmmm.... I can't remember the exact reference there old chap. @Simon might be better placed to recall and to explain. I wouldn't be surprised if Esther wasn't pursuing more 'biomedical' science - but I'd like to find more information about it. As I expect would you.

What was that recent grant she got to be used for? I forget but it was a lot of money - in excess of a £1 million from memory.