(I haven't watched this myself)
From Action for ME:
Comment: I think it is good that Julia Newton is involved in research - she is looking at the illness in lots of different ways, some that seem to me to be new to the field. However, I don't agree with everything she has said/written so her talks may be far from perfect.
From Action for ME:
We held a webinar hosted by Professor Julia Newton aimed at educating Scottish GPs on Tuesday evening, and you can now watch a recording of it on our YouTube page via the link below.
Funded by the Scottish Government, the presentation draws out practical guidance for General Practitioners, Practice Nurses and Allied Health Professionals based on Professor Julia Newton's recent research evidence, followed by a question and answer session for webinar participants.
Please feel free to share the video with your own GP if you would like to do so.
Comment: I think it is good that Julia Newton is involved in research - she is looking at the illness in lots of different ways, some that seem to me to be new to the field. However, I don't agree with everything she has said/written so her talks may be far from perfect.