probiotics question


Senior Member
@Azriel ~ How long have you been taking the Hyperbiotics? And how long before you noticed a difference in your SIBO? I am pretty happy with the two that I'm taking, but I know the probiotic you take has good reviews on Amazon (which is why I purchased it)....and I have some in my refrigerator, so I may try adding it in again and see what happens....... I think when I tried it before it caused constipation! :wide-eyed:


Senior Member
@Azriel ~ Thanks for your reply! I did take one of the Hyperbiotics today and started to feel odd about 20 minutes later. That lasted for a couple of hours. I will go back to my regular probiotics tomorrow(I was planning on doing that anyway...take one of the new kind alternating with my regular ones). I will retry the Hyperbiotics in either a few days or a week..... It's kinda frustrating to feel odd after taking it (certain foods can do that to me too). But, we'll see! I'm glad it's working for you, and perhaps it will help me too! Time will tell!


Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
Eating a combination of fermented foods helps for better gut population
Yogurt Kombucha Kimchee kefir etc you should notice the difference
I have found that seems to work better than probiotic pills