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What do you guys think of bacteria spores? Apparently they survive the digestive process 99%.
My daughter had HPylori, and took optibac extra strength to help cope with the antibiotic regime- it' s specifically designed for thosectaking long term antibiotics.. Highly recommend it- help line are good too.After seeing a few articles around recently about how beneficial gut bacteria are, the gut microbiome, faecal transplants etc., I started wondering how we can best boost and repopulate what lives in our guts.
Please post any suggestions you have here.
Best probiotic I've taken and still take is:
which contains:
Probiotic culture(Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell-11, Lactobacillus acidophilus Rosell-52, Bifidobacterium longum Rosell-175, Lactococcus lactis Rosell-1058, Bifidobacterium breveRosell-70, Bifidobacterium bifidum Rosell-71); Prebiotic: Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
I've also read recently that plant fibres help feed the bacteria already in our gut. BUT seeing as probiotics are usually lactobacillus, how do we get other beneficial strains?
For those who've taken antibiotics, repopulating the gut completely may be necessary so how is it best to go about that?
Please, list the types of bacteria present in anything you suggest if possible so those who want to repopulate with different strains can see where to find appropriate sources.
Note HPylori has been linked to development of insulin resistance and liver function, so cutting carbs tooMy daughter had HPylori, and took optibac extra strength to help cope with the antibiotic regime- it' s specifically designed for thosectaking long term antibiotics.. Highly recommend it- help line are good too.
Now using daily dose and S. bouardii
Since early December I decided to focus on digestion and remove gluten and processed food wherever possible. I got sick after a virus and repeated use of antibiotics many years ago and am trying an intense re-population of beneficial flora.
could you say more about how you have taken these please. That would be very helpful for me.
Here's an example of something I try to have once a week.Regarding your list that you take presumably its not all off them on the same day could you say more about how you have taken these please.
I am pleased Jools you are doing so well and I am also in the process of changing my gut but have found whenever any probiotic I take has got L Acidophilus in it SIBO comes back badly.
Regarding your list that you take presumably its not all off them on the same day could you say more about how you have taken these please. That would be very helpful for me.
I had over a week of energy there 100% of the time but then I picked up yet another virus and along came the SIBO and I have felt back to square one. However I am confident that once the virus has gone my energy will pick up again.
Thanks Jools. In the study I referenced, LG21 resolved upper gut issues like dyspepsia. How have you found LG21?Hello Jonny, sorry for the slow response. I’ve done some checking and haven’t been able to find any other version of LG21 beyond a yoghurt carton and drink version. This specific strain seems to be patented by Meiji Company and they’re holding on to it in these two formats. I checked Rakuten International (a Japanese exommerce hub) and no one is shipping it overseas that I could find.
Thanks Jools. In the study I referenced, LG21 resolved upper gut issues like dyspepsia. How have you found LG21?
Thanks so much Jonny for that info and yes in the Organic acid test I have just received back it shows high levels of the metabolite for yeast overgrowth together with high Clostridia speciesPam, over 2016 and 2017 I have managed to slowly get back to 100%. A couple of things you have said sound familiar to me. Like being 100% and then going backwards for a period. What I discovered is that I have a left-over problem. That is systemic candida. What I mean by "left-over" was that I resolved my other gut issues and thought I was fixed. I had 100% energy most days but still experienced bloating, indigestion and could easily go backwards energy wise by taking something like L. acidophilus. I'm now working on the candida trying to get that resolved.
Do you know if this probiotic is available in a non-yogurt form? I'm hoping to get a link to a site or eBay seller who stocks it.
I take d-lactate free probiotic from For prebiotics I take Prescript Assist.
I avoid Lactobacillus Acidophilus as that causes crash.