Probiotics caused Fatigue/Brain Fog/Apathy/Disorientation - try Rifaximin?

Well, I finally got it! After arriving in the UK, it spend nearly 2 weeks in customs for some mysterious reason and then turned up! I ordered a second lot because I suspected it may have been lost so now I've got a second lot of Rifaximin coming which I don't need lol! Nevermind.

I started the course yesterday afternoon, running 400mg 3x a day for 14 days. I will update this thread either at the end of the course or during, depending on if/when I notice something noteworthy.

As of yet I've taken 3 (yesterday afternoon, yesternight late PM and this morning), not noted anything as of yet, including any side effects which is good.

Just praying now this treatment works for me! :)
The second script may come in handy. Even if you start feeling better, it is very common for a second course to be warranted after a few months (relapse).

Yep, that is very true! Can't harm to have to hand ready!

One thing I forgot to mention, I have actually noticed a side effect, since starting I've had some mild flatulence for the last 24 hours. Nothing alarming or problematic, it's actually quite interesting because I feel that I almost never fart normally. I know it's listed as a common side effect of Rifaximin.

Who knows, maybe it's a good sign, maybe the bacteria in my lower intestine are finally getting something to feed on. :woot:
Well, as it stands, I'm on Day 10 and to be honest I've seen 0 improvement whatsoever, which is very disheartening. I always knew that H2S Sibo was an unknown especially when it comes to treatment, but none the less.

I have still got 4 days to go, but I must admit given I've seen 0 benefit/changes whatsoever, I'm not hopeful right now.. :(

My next plan of action is to do an extended water fast (aiming for 7 days). A) to see if I can acheive a full remission of symptoms with a strict water fast, and in what time period B) to see if it can potentially offer any longer term benefit also. I must admit, given the lack of results with Rifaximin I have even been contemplating cutting the course short to move onto the water fast, but I will take it day by day over the next 4 days and see what I decide.
I assume you've run Rifaximin yourself in the past then..? Could you tell me more about your experience, any side effects you experienced etc?
No side efffects at all. I didn't get much benefit either, unfortunately. Initially it seemed to help while I was taking it, but next rounds didn't seem to do much. Sorry for the late reply, btw.
I've decided I'm definitely going to try the Rifaxmin, so now it's just a case of waiting for it to arrive. It arrived in the UK on Friday AM according to Royal Mail, so hopefully it's not stuck at customs, was hoping it would be here today but will pray for tomorrow!
I went with the latter ... generic from India.
Where did both of you get rifaximin from? The generic rifaximin is probably(my edit) not the same as the brand XIFAXAN. It may not be dangerous, but keep that in mind.
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Where did both of you get rifaximin from? The generic rifaximin is not the same as the brand XIFAXAN. It may not be dangerous, but keep that in mind.

I used Rcifax 400 by Lupin Ltd (beleive it's manufactured in India..?)

Still taking it day by day, but very very tempted to call it quits after today (got 10 tablets remaining, 8 by the time i've finished todays) and begin the water fast.
Any success?
No I honestly don't think I've noticed any benefit at all. I think hydrogen sulfide sibo seems to be a very peculiar issue (Assuming that is what the cause of my symptoms is.) My experience tells me that things that wouldn't be harmful with regular sibo (e.g. Meat, Bile Supplements etc etc) can actually be problematic with hydrogen sulfide sibo. The problem is, there's very little literature out there on it, especially when it comes to finding cures.

This is why I'm interested in trying fasting, because doing something for example like a Ketogenic diet which may be beneficial to a lot of people with regular SIBO, doesn't work for me at all. Yet with all of my variations of diet, the only remission I've had is after the anomylous intense bout of diarrhea last year in April.
Maybe consider elemental diet? There are more options today than a few years ago.

Well, here's my reasoning for water fasting v elemental (hear me about, no doubt it's speculative and potentially a bit pseudoscience but, given this is an area that no one is particuarly certain about anything, what better I got - haha.)

My experience tells me the rules for H2S sibo (at least in my particular case, I expect it'll conspire in time that their are multiple forms of H2S sibo, or maybe it will come eventaully under a whole different category altogether) that the rules that apply for regular SIBO, don't here.

Example, most cases of typical SIBO are largely problems with plant fibres/sugars, it's pretty common for people with SIBO to go on to a ketogenic or even carnivore diet and see a huge impovement/remission of symptoms.. That's a diet heavily compromised of animal proteins, fats, etc (albeit still low FODMAP in many cases.)

But in my case, proteins seem to be a problem. When I tried Keto, my symptoms didn't improve. Infact, it seems that proteins alongside sulfurous vegetables are probably the biggest trigger. I have heard it discussed that it's to do with the methionine and cysteine amino acids. It also seems things like Coconut Oil (with typical SIBO, fats are usually not considered problematic afaik) are problematic for me (supposedly coconut oil is also 'sulfurous'.)

So the reason I'm opposed to an elemental diet, is because although it might remove all of the usual triggers for typical SIBO, it doesn't for my particular case as far as I can tell. It even seems supplements like Betaine HCL and Bile can be problematic for H2S SIBO ( this might explain why I had fat in my stool on GI MAP, supposedly some bacteria can deconjugate Bile acids.) I'm not sure if that translates to then 'feeding' on bile or not..

But based on all of that, it seems that infact my best bet may be to temporarily remove all potential triggers (i.e. food triggers, plus contributing factors as products of digestion e.g. Bile, HCL etc) and see if the abstinence of food allows my body to 'clear out' the problematic bacteria.

The logic for that being based on the MMC, it's suspected that many with SIBO have impaired migrating motor complex function for various reasons, which is what allows the bacteria to even build in the small intestine in the first place.. and ofcourse one of the best ways to stimulate the MMC, is to fast (as it's impaired/halted in the presence of digestion.)

Ofcourse their are other 'healing' benefits allegdly to fasting, which wouldn't be achieved with an elemental diet, which who knows if could help to resolve the issue (primarily deep autophagy.)

I also think it would actually be easier to fast, than to do the elemental diet. After 2-3 days, hunger dissipates, where as with an elemental diet you're keeping everything running but providing your body with very little energy, you're almost mimicking a state of starvation imo rather than fasting, which are ofcourse two very different things.

So that's the primary reason really, I just don't have any incline that an elemental diet would be useful in my case because of the nature of the problem, BUT I can totally see how it would be a super useful tool for someone who's issue primarly is triggering by plant fibres/sugars etc.

Not to mention there's just other cool aspects of fasting, introspection, observing your relationship with food etc etc!

The other reason being, I just want to get clarity as to whether or not symptoms disspitate, even if they aren't fully resolved long term by a prolonged fast. If they do, based on my experience that re-affirms for me that it is a gut related issue (I know that fasting has far reaching effects, but I've done a huge amount of elimination elsewhere already, so everything as far as I can see points toward a very obscure gut/bacteria issue and so remission during fasting would help confirm that in my eyes.)
Okay so update:

I completed a 7 day fast.. one thing was interesting, one of the big symptoms I get (I'm not even sure I actually mentioned it in this thread prior) is itchy skin, that comes up in like a hive/red and raised, which can occur anywhere on my body (but oddly seems much rarely on my bottom half, mainly occurs on my upper arms, chest, back and sometimes face.)

I expected during the fast all of the symptoms would dissipate, but they didn't! Even on day 6 of the fast, I was still itching somewhat, infact on the 5th day I had a REALLY intense bout over my stomach.. I also still never full shook the disorientated feeling.

So although it was dissapointing, I actually feel this gave me some clarity. These symptoms aren't as heavily triggered by food as I first thought.. (Previously, if I ate and then started to itch, I'd be reviewing what I'd just eaten, trying to find a link).. It's no wonder I was struggling so hard to find the link.

I actaully expect that based on this, there's a likelyhood a big part of this is histamine related.. And ofc, histamine can be triggered by many things (foods, hot weather/showers, intense exercise etc etc), making it incredibly hard to find a rhyme or reason to it.

I haven't tried eating a lot of sulfur vegetables since the Rifaximin, so it will be interesting when I do.. as I wonder if there was 2+ issues going on here (H2S Sibo possibly, histamine intolerance etc) where as I'd been trying to bunch it all into one thing.

I still heavily suspect this is all somehow gut related, but based on all of it (including the itching and hives) magically disppearing for a period after the bout of diarrhea last year.. But, how I go about fixing this I'm totally at a loss.

So the rifaximin MAY have worked, it's just that the symptoms I was focused on (i.e. disorientation, itchy red skin, brain fog, anhedonia ) may not be caused by what the rifaximin was intended to fix. Hmm. Which would also make sense as to why when I ate a super low sulfur diet, these symptoms weren't dissipating but the really intense fatigue was. Doh.

I might make a second thread on this, to see if anyone can give me some suggestions on what might be worth trying for histamine, rather than leaving it here as this is not effectively 2 seperate issues.