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Presentations from the IACFS/ME August 21, 2020 Virtual Conference


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
If you're interested in reading about the presentations made at the recent IACFS/ME conference, two reports from the conference are now available:

From the ME Association: https://meassociation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/MEA-Report-IACFSME-Research-Conference-14.09.20.pdf
ME Association said:
The International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME) held a virtual scientific conference on August 21st 2020. Over 200 people attended, including researchers, clinicians, patients and carers. There were some interesting talks and plenty of opportunity for Q and A’s and some great discussions. Here we provide a brief summary of each talk.

And from ME Research UK: https://www.meresearch.org.uk/iacfs-me-conference-2020-science-engagement-directors-report/
ME Research UK said:
The 13th international scientific conference of the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME) was held on August 21st by Zoom, having been postponed from being held in Stony Brook University in June due to COVID-19. Seventeen oral presentations were given over five sessions in total, beginning with a discussion on several projects related to COVID-19 and tracking the development of ME/CFS after infection. Other sessions were dedicated to immunology, metabolism, heart rate variability, research/clinical networks and treatments, followed by questions and answers from the conference attendees. Over 270 delegates were present, with 20% of being early stage researchers. A short summary of each of the five sessions is below.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
And here's an excellent 10-page write-up of the conference by Rosamund Vallings.

Vallings and Dalziel said:

Rosamund Vallings, MB BS (Auckland NZ) Sarah Dalziel, MB ChB (Rotorua NZ)

On 22nd August at 2.00 a.m. we were privileged to attend the IACFS first virtual on line conference, at 2.00 a.m. because we are in New Zealand, so our time was 28 hours ahead of the event. It was strange not to be there enjoying the company of all the familiar friends and colleagues. But it was brilliantly organised by the IACFS/ME board and team, and all went smoothly.

The conference was opened by the President Fred Friedberg who welcomed us all and outlined the format. He brought us up to date with the work of the board, including production of the regular journal and support of investigators.

The conference was divided up into 5 main segments, with a question and answer time after each and a lunch break midway.


  • Dr. Ros Vallings_ IACFS_ME 2020 conference notes.pdf
    175.2 KB · Views: 40


Senior Member
Darn, can't really afford that but I really appreciate you letting me know and anyone else who is interested! THANK YOU!