PreHearing meeting with attorney


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Wanted to thank everyone for all your thoughts and advice. It really helped out a lot. We had the hearing this morning for my son. He was fatigued just getting through security before he went in ! .
Thankfully they took him right in and it only took a total of about 30 mins. Lawyer said he did real well and she had a very good feeling for the outcome. Humm wonder if they everybody that ?? But we shall see. They said at least 30 to 60 days before we would get a letter with decision.
Very glad to hear this, i hate court where decisions are based more on "how it went" then the facts but its the system we have That said i hope you prevail, and sometimes seeing is believing, people understand better when they see me crashed then me telling them what its like.


Senior Member
Wanted to thank everyone for all your thoughts and advice. It really helped out a lot. We had the hearing this morning for my son. He was fatigued just getting through security before he went in ! .
Thankfully they took him right in and it only took a total of about 30 mins. Lawyer said he did real well and she had a very good feeling for the outcome. Humm wonder if they everybody that ?? But we shall see. They said at least 30 to 60 days before we would get a letter with decision.
Apparently the lawyer figured it out that the less questions the better so she keep it very short. Sounds like the judge only asked a few questions to son and more questions to the vocation expert. Everything the judge asked if my son could do, the vocation expert said NO he could not do that.

I would think the doctors letter was a BIG plus for us and thankfully it was quick and he got through it before getting to overwhelmed.
Also from the sound of it we got a very easy going judge and expert.
Glad we went ahead and got this done so it's not weighing on him. Now maybe he can relax a bit and try to recover.

It all almost didn't happen today and I can't believe they didn't cancel it. We are in New Orleans in the middle of this tropical storm right now. They usually close up all government at the drop of a hat. But they went through with it !!


I'm glad things went well. If the vocation expert say NO he can't do any job, that is a good sign.

If it's approved, you may actually see a backpay check or a large amount of money deposited in your bank before you get the judge's decision letter (like maybe a week before).

I hope you can relax now and enjoy the rest of your summer!


Plant Queen
So happy to see this, @Billt! I'm praying that your son's case is approved and he can get the benefits he deserves!


Senior Member
New Orleans
I'm glad things went well. If the vocation expert say NO he can't do any job, that is a good sign.

If it's approved, you may actually see a backpay check or a large amount of money deposited in your bank before you get the judge's decision letter (like maybe a week before).
I would think that would be a good sign. But I guess judge can still do what he wants. I think he gave it the very best shot he could.
I don't think they have any of his bank info so not sure how that would work, but first things first.
Now just wait !

So happy to see this, @Billt! I'm praying that your son's case is approved and he can get the benefits he deserves!
bspg, Thanks for the prayers. This would be a BIG help for him as well as us .