Wanted to thank everyone for all your thoughts and advice. It really helped out a lot. We had the hearing this morning for my son. He was fatigued just getting through security before he went in ! .
Thankfully they took him right in and it only took a total of about 30 mins. Lawyer said he did real well and she had a very good feeling for the outcome. Humm wonder if they everybody that ?? But we shall see. They said at least 30 to 60 days before we would get a letter with decision.
Apparently the lawyer figured it out that the less questions the better so she keep it very short. Sounds like the judge only asked a few questions to son and more questions to the vocation expert. Everything the judge asked if my son could do, the vocation expert said NO he could not do that.
I would think the doctors letter was a BIG plus for us and thankfully it was quick and he got through it before getting to overwhelmed.
Also from the sound of it we got a very easy going judge and expert.
Glad we went ahead and got this done so it's not weighing on him. Now maybe he can relax a bit and try to recover.
It all almost didn't happen today and I can't believe they didn't cancel it. We are in New Orleans in the middle of this tropical storm right now. They usually close up all government at the drop of a hat. But they went through with it !!