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Pregenenlone Info


Senior Member
Hayden, Idaho
I rarely micro-dose supplements, as I am not sensitive to but a few of them, however pregnenlonone is one, especially since its a hormone, that I have found success in micro dosing, enabling me to use it for longer stretches of time. I have a capsule based version from Life Extension, and I pour out the powder until there is about 1/6 capsule left. This dose gives me a brain boost without wiping me out, which is the desired effect. For those of you that have been on the fence about trying Pregnenolone, you could see decent results by starting off extremely low, and perhaps even staying there. Other supplements, in my experience, require higher dosages to see effect. Again, I encourage you to give it a try, but slow....


senior member
Concord, NH
My Dr recently prescribed" to me 25mg of pregnenolone a day, low blood level value. Been on it for about 1 month, my levels were low. Not taking it for mental clarity, coffee seems to be pretty good about that, and have done detox for years now!



Senior Member
Hayden, Idaho
My Dr recently prescribed" to me 25mg of pregnenolone a day, low blood level value. Been on it for about 1 month, my levels were low. Not taking it for mental clarity, coffee seems to be pretty good about that, and have done detox for years now!

I see. The low dose for me seems to help with "brain inflammation"/headaches, plus mental clarity.