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Prednisone and DHEA

I have a simple question that I can't seem to find the answers to. Can DHEA offset the long-term effects of prednisone, like cataracts, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, adrenal atrophy, and others? Of course the goal should be to get off prednisone but if you're having a hard time, can DHEA help protect you?

My doctor gave me a good scare today. I am dealing with uncontrolled bowel inflammation and he basically said I am better off getting my bowel removed than having prednisone come in and out of my life because soon I will end up with the body of an old man.

I know prednisone is not good long-term but it's been 4 years since using it and it's for a few months per year. I don't want to get my bowel removed but he's making me freak out.

On that note are there any other supplements to help with the prednisone come-down and helping my adrenals recover? They never give you this info at all in modern medicine, probably because they don't know. I'm already taking DHEA 25mg per day with 15mg prednisone (and tapering). Should I maybe take more?

Sorry if my post is all over the place I am feeling very anxious and scattered.


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I have a simple question that I can't seem to find the answers to. Can DHEA offset the long-term effects of prednisone, like cataracts, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, adrenal atrophy, and others? Of course the goal should be to get off prednisone but if you're having a hard time, can DHEA help protect you?

My doctor gave me a good scare today. I am dealing with uncontrolled bowel inflammation and he basically said I am better off getting my bowel removed than having prednisone come in and out of my life because soon I will end up with the body of an old man.

I know prednisone is not good long-term but it's been 4 years since using it and it's for a few months per year. I don't want to get my bowel removed but he's making me freak out.

On that note are there any other supplements to help with the prednisone come-down and helping my adrenals recover? They never give you this info at all in modern medicine, probably because they don't know. I'm already taking DHEA 25mg per day with 15mg prednisone (and tapering). Should I maybe take more?

Sorry if my post is all over the place I am feeling very anxious and scattered.

Possibly as dhea has anabolic effects although mild and prednisone is a catabolic hormone. Long term pred may need something stronger to off set prednisones catabolic effects, also add, more protein in diet.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
Look into prednolonone and the methyl analog, Medrol, considered ‘the happy pill,’ precursor
to prednisone. The first is available OTC, the latter is rx.