I dont think Ive seen people discussing PREbiotics but apologies if Ive missed it.
I have FM with CFS thrown in & more recently IBS which was diagnosed by intensive testing.
At the worst my stomach was so swollen that I looked 9 months pregnant & the pain was excruciating.
I am now under the care of an excellent Gastro Dietician provided by the NHS in the UK. She believes only in food & supplements for healing & wont go near drugs. She did say to me that she thinks most doctors are idiots!
We have worked on exclusion diets to track down any trigger foods so I know what to avoid. Interestingly one food was prepacked bread as the chemicals in it are a problem. The best thing is to get freshly baked bread or make your own. Ive found this to be partly successful & have been able to eat bread again.
We have discussed PRObiotics as I have been trialling many different types & some with huge amounts of strains. Ive had success with Jarrow Formula which has helped decrease the size of my stomach & as a sideline Ive managed to lose about 7lbs in weight (which I really need).
However the dietician said that she & her colleagues are now coming round to the fact that PREbiotics are better for healing than probiotics as they can stimulate the growth of your good guys.
Probiotics are said to add to the good guys but dont stand a lot of chance as they are attacked by gastric acid & then fought by the bad guys.
She believes I have a bacterial overgrowth in the large gut which has the effect of fermenting foods, hence the large & swollen stomach with pains.
Id read about prebiotics some years ago but not followed it up. So after discussing it with her she sent me a list of prebiotic foods & I looked up supplements.
I came across InulinFOS which is made from chicory (a prebiotic rich food). And the great thing it is SO cheap! Probiotics can get really expensive.
I bought Jarrow Formula & it was only about $5.50 for a tub! You just sprinkle a small scoop on food or in a drink.
Im doing a months trial with Inulin & have to report back my responses to the dietician. She wants me to continue with probiotics as Ive had success with them (but still some IBS attacks).
Ive only been taking Inulin about a week but so far so good. My stomach is softer & flatter.
Im hoping that the combination will help heal my gut which in turn should help with FM pain. If in time I can drop Probiotics in favour of Prebiotics all the better for my limited finances.
Id be interested to know if anyone else has tried prebiotics & what their reactions have been.
Best wishes
I have FM with CFS thrown in & more recently IBS which was diagnosed by intensive testing.
At the worst my stomach was so swollen that I looked 9 months pregnant & the pain was excruciating.
I am now under the care of an excellent Gastro Dietician provided by the NHS in the UK. She believes only in food & supplements for healing & wont go near drugs. She did say to me that she thinks most doctors are idiots!
We have worked on exclusion diets to track down any trigger foods so I know what to avoid. Interestingly one food was prepacked bread as the chemicals in it are a problem. The best thing is to get freshly baked bread or make your own. Ive found this to be partly successful & have been able to eat bread again.
We have discussed PRObiotics as I have been trialling many different types & some with huge amounts of strains. Ive had success with Jarrow Formula which has helped decrease the size of my stomach & as a sideline Ive managed to lose about 7lbs in weight (which I really need).
However the dietician said that she & her colleagues are now coming round to the fact that PREbiotics are better for healing than probiotics as they can stimulate the growth of your good guys.
Probiotics are said to add to the good guys but dont stand a lot of chance as they are attacked by gastric acid & then fought by the bad guys.
She believes I have a bacterial overgrowth in the large gut which has the effect of fermenting foods, hence the large & swollen stomach with pains.
Id read about prebiotics some years ago but not followed it up. So after discussing it with her she sent me a list of prebiotic foods & I looked up supplements.
I came across InulinFOS which is made from chicory (a prebiotic rich food). And the great thing it is SO cheap! Probiotics can get really expensive.
I bought Jarrow Formula & it was only about $5.50 for a tub! You just sprinkle a small scoop on food or in a drink.
Im doing a months trial with Inulin & have to report back my responses to the dietician. She wants me to continue with probiotics as Ive had success with them (but still some IBS attacks).
Ive only been taking Inulin about a week but so far so good. My stomach is softer & flatter.
Im hoping that the combination will help heal my gut which in turn should help with FM pain. If in time I can drop Probiotics in favour of Prebiotics all the better for my limited finances.
Id be interested to know if anyone else has tried prebiotics & what their reactions have been.
Best wishes