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Prebiotics by themselves?

Would it be a waste to just take them on there own without a probiotic?

Thx for any feedback you may have to offer


Senior Member
Would it be a waste to just take them on there own without a probiotic?

Not at all - they will feed your gut flora.

Probiotics do have some benefits as they transit through the gut but they don't really change the composition of the gut flora or otherwise directly affect it.

Prebiotics do.
Thx! Good to know. I saw that it was avaliable in powder form. Would prefer pill, but will definitely try the other of it's all that I turn up. Thx again


Senior Member
Here is a post which lists quite a few good prebiotics, to give you an idea of what is out there. There is useful info on this website though it is interspersed with a lot of opinion which should not necessarily be taken as fact.

I think her idea that we should aim for a mixture of different types is good. Diversity of intake is associated with a more diverse gut flora and unfortunately western diets tend to be very low in prebiotic fibre.

Smallish amounts of 6-10 prebiotics is better than a large dose of just one.

There is also a thread which discusses many prebiotic and gut flora-related issues here, but be warned, it is very long!