Pre-visit preparation for Dr. KDM.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
I have a similar question.

Do we know if in the beta tests of these labs, they have been trying to use the same person to analyse his blood during several weeks to see if the results are consistent? I'm not too sure about it..

I have tested myself in several clinics for lyme and i just got my positive in ArminLabs....

See previous comment! Also this thread.


Senior Member
AB, I imagine he tests for Midichlori Mitochondrii because if you test positive for it it suggests that you may have other, harder-to-detect TBIs.


Senior Member
Sorry if I am a little snippy on this. We just had a huge conversation about Lyme testing that I found very disheartening. Those were the conclusions I drew from the discussion.
Sure, no problem. I don't want to start a flame war or anything, just curious as to how many people double (or triple!) checked.


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There is no way most of us could afford to do this, and the logistics of organising this for a severely affected patient who can only just about make it to Brussels have to be factored in.

KDM doesn't just use one lab anyhow and he uses two labs that are independent labs that run tests for local Drs etc, one of them is at the University of Brussels.


Senior Member
he did not do hormone testing on me. if you want it done and want to ask him about the results, you should do them beforehand, i think. i seem to remember him saying the hormone imbalances are secondary to the infection(s). i cannot remember if he checked thyroid function but i dont think he does anything apart from the usual thyroid testing.


Senior Member
He also tested me for midichloria mitochondrii (I'm not sure why he tests for this newly discovered pathogen about which we know so little).
It infects the mitochondria of cells - it might be the only bacteria which does that. As such, it might be particularly capable of causing ME symptoms. It's also very newly discovered, so offers a potential infectious explanation which has not yet turned up in ME research involving other infections.

I know at least one ME patient has tested positive, and several others (myself included) have tested negative. It's not tested at the labs which he usually uses, but rather at a university where they've been doing the research into midichloria mitochrondrii.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
It infects the mitochondria of cells - it might be the only bacteria which does that. As such, it might be particularly capable of causing ME symptoms. It's also very newly discovered, so offers a potential infectious explanation which has not yet turned up in ME research involving other infections.
This seems very interesting and potentially significant. I'll ask him more about it in my appointment.


Senior Member
He also tested me for midichloria mitochondrii (I'm not sure why he tests for this newly discovered pathogen about which we know so little).
I think it is good that he does. KDM knows enough about it to give me treatment although it is experimental and not scientifically proved to be effective. There is no study so far about treatment for this infection. I think I´m the one that @Valentijn is referring to. When I was diagnosed there were less than ten people in the world that had gotten the diagnose. I´d prefer not to be in that exclusive club...


Senior Member
Yeah, those crazy midichlorians. ;) I remember reading that (he tested me for them as well) and going o_O:nervous::wide-eyed: because the implications were pretty horrifying.
But ... it's named after the source of Jedi powers from Star Wars. It's the coolest infection ever! Just imagine all the admiration and geeks you could get at a Comic Con by showing those lab results :love:


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
But ... it's named after the source of Jedi powers from Star Wars. It's the coolest infection ever! Just imagine all the admiration and geeks you could get at a Comic Con by showing those lab results :love:

Right? Now, paradoxically, imagine explaining it anybody else.

"I have midichlorians."

"Aren't those fictional particles?"

"Yes, but also they've ruined my life."

Oh, wait - no one but a Star Wars fan, or at the very least someone quite fannish, would know what a midichlorian is in the first place!

My argument is invalid. ;)
