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"power drain" feeling when walking

I can't believe the DWP took that attitude, that's ridiculous! As if someone is going to get a wheelchair if they don't need one. I was thinking of getting a folding wheelchair, but from everything you say if I was going that route I'd need an electric one which wouldn't fold anywhere near as much and if it folded at all would be a top of the range really expensive one. Glad you have a good GP.


...that means I would barely walk at all @Inester7! I've already become very deconditioned (initially through life cirumstances but now through CFS, wonder if there is at least a partial connection) and I can only walk for a few minutes sometimes before I get the power drain. Thanks for your thoughts.
Well within the bad news this is a good
News becuase you can treat that part. Have you done your self the Poors men tilt table test? What country are you on? I don't know if they treat OI in UK.
When I was very bed ridden some of my effort ( instead of doing something else) was making sure
I didn't Deconditioned but to be honest I put my money on OI vicious cycle.
Thanks Inester7. In the UK, I already had a TT test and it was inconclusive. Apparently I don't have PoTs but I do have unexplained tendency to neurally mediated syncope. However, that is a separate thing to the the power drain thing, which feels like it comes from muscles or energy in them, not a dizziness or low BP or anything.