POTS and neck problem


Senior Member
Hi @Booble. Wish I was not still around, but yes... I am. I have learned more about my own particular anatomy and symptomology, which has been helpful for me, but of course a very frustrating thing for all of us is trying to discern what to try amongst the cornucopia of options that have worked for others.

At length, I found that Atlas Orthogonal was relieving my symptoms for half an hour. At the price, it was unaffordable and really....even driving there for a half hour of well-being was clearly stupid. I did discover, though, that there was a connection between my atlas and my symptoms, so I followed that thread.

With amazing luck, I got to see a doctor at the Center for Complex Diseases who believed me and ordered the upright MRIs that Bolognese prefers. These never amounted to anything because Dr. B had not read them 6 months later. However, she also sent me to a specialized PT who diagnosed CCI and AAI clinically.

The rest of my story is scattered throughout the CCI/POTS sections of PR, but in brief: she leant me a supine traction device that made a huge difference. I went on to buy one of my own and used it twice a day for a few months. Now, I am down to every couple of days.

I am not cured. I am not all better. My POTS is about 30% of what it was before I started using traction regularly -- actually more of an unpleasantness than a disability. Other symptoms associated with ME/CFS and PEM continue but are about 15% reduced, I would say. These are very good results, I think, if we are being realistic.

I know my neck is involved, and I continue to look at ways to image and understand and respond. @Wayne's thread has been a great resource, and I continue to consider Atlas Profilax.

I hope you can find some things that help you--if you want to PM me, please feel free.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Oh boy, there is a lot there, @Wayne!

@Booble -- I often hesitate a bit before referring someone to long or indepth threads/posts like the one I linked. But today for some reason, I just went ahead and posted a link anyway. :angel:

And now.... I would encourage you to take a look at the link posted by @pattismith at post #141 . It too is long and indepth, but I think has a wealth of information and perspectives.

I'll try to stop posting further links for a while now! ;)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I then had the adjustment, stood up and immediately things had changed beyond my wildest hopes: my head felt like it was floating, my jaw was relaxed (as it never is) colors were brighter, vision sharper than it had been in years, mind completely clear, temperature regulated, heart calm and regular, no fatigue at all. I went home and wondered what to do with an evening where I wasn't just counting the minutes till I could slink off to bed. And when I did finally close my eyes that night, I had the best night's sleep in a really long time. I had the same kind of remarkable shift with terrible GI symptoms as well after a second adjustment.

@Jyoti -- Just wanted to thank you for your above remarkable testimonial. It was a catalyst for me to get ready to take my next step(s) in trying to achieve even greater cranial stability for myself. So many things to consider, so many things to do, so much money to potentially spend! :eek: But so many improvements to still be had. -- Based on what you've already experienced, I think you have a lot of potential to realize some more permanent improvements for yourself going forward. :thumbsup: