Potion that cured my chronic fatigue

Thanks. Now I understand. Hmm.. Really not that high dose. For example Borax contains only 11% boron, so only 6.82 mg boron per day?

Just for comparison: I took for the last 7 years in average 10 mg/d of Boron. At times also as Borax at 140 mg/d in an Ayurvedic preparation. Elemental potassium during the same time-period I took in average 2 g/d, elemental magnesium 2.2 g/d (please everybody understand: never take so much on your own, but with lab-monitoring, and only if as deficient as in my case!). 100 mg of potassium chloride would me never last even for only one breakfast-egg. All other ingredients are already covered by diet many-fold.

That's really interesting. With the mcg-amounts in 8 !!! liters of water, it almost makes it appear you reinvented homeopathy again? Or/and over-hydration/borax (the only therapeutic doses in this mix - and therefore dis-advised, if not knowing what one is doing thereby) was key.

Except the borax and the water all ingredients wouldn't have to by rationed, since they are provided many-fold by a usual diet. - Or did you fast? - How long did it work for you?

I didn't fast.

I've found that the bioavailability of raw nutrients is completely different than from when it is 'bound up' with fats, carbs, and proteins. The body's metabolism can respond much quicker to it, and I think it's something beyond just foregoing the digestive process (although that is part of it)..

The idea is that everything is immediately bioavailable for the enzymes to do their work, and all of the interlocking gears of metabolic cycles start turning at once, without any part of the network having to wait for any other part of it. I believe the very low doses were a demonstration of how efficiently metabolism can recycle substrates for repeated reuse if given the chance. I believe the increase in metabolic turnover pulls nutrients in by a kind of 'inward convection' or you might even call it a sort of gravity? Thus keeping the nutrients close to the nexus of metabolism where the reactions are most concentrated.

The preparation worked for me in September 2017. When I got out of hospital 2 months later, it wasn't working nearly as potently. I identified nickel and lithium deficiencies in it and continued to tweak and evolve it, and while I'd get the 'flux' from taking isolated things (usually minerals) the preparation itself didn't do a lot.

The one good thing I permanently retained from it is that it cured my fatigue and I never relapsed.

Homeopathic doses are a lot lower, usually. 1C to 2C are in microgram doses, 3C is nanograms, 4C picograms. The sub-atomic concentrations (i.e. no molecule/atom left) start at around 11C to 12C or LM5. One of the highest dilutions is CM, which is a dilution of 1 in 100 performed 100, 000 times. That's 1 in (100 to the power of 100, 000). The concentration would be represented as 1 in 1 followed by 200,000 zeroes.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
The only negative to this is that it can make the cells 'lazy' and they unlearn how to ration nutrients. That's probably why the preparation doesn't work anymore for me.

So are you out of remission now then? I'm confused by this statement.
So are you out of remission now then? I'm confused by this statement.
Nope. Basically the preparation can 'spoil' the cells so they don't do anything. It's kind of an anti-hormesis. Give the cells everything they want and need the moment they desire it, and they (and by extension, the host) will become listless (and abuse or not use the advantage they've been given by the preparation for the host's benefit).

I don't have chronic fatigue but I have had many an occasion where I've lacked motivation and I think this is part of the reason.


Senior Member
Glad to hear the remission from fatigue remained.

I didn't fast.

I've found that the bioavailability of raw nutrients is completely different than from when it is 'bound up' with fats, carbs, and proteins.

You said you drank your preparation throughout the day. Also read that water can enter plasma in minutes on an empty stomach, carrying with it small amounts of minerals. Which is also my experience with high dose ascorbic acid in water taken on empty stomach: Rhinitis symptoms stop much faster than it would take through ascorbate transporters in the intestines. How long after a meal you usually waited to drink your preparation?

If there were, what were the side-effects of drinking 8 liters of water a day? (I probably wouldn't get any sleep from going to the toilet all night)

Being so sensitive to minuscule amounts - something I'm definitely not and therefore couldn't even try - have you ever thought of circumventing the digestive process completely by transdermal application with an absorption enhancer like DSMO?
Glad to hear the remission from fatigue remained.

You said you drank your preparation throughout the day. Also read that water can enter plasma in minutes on an empty stomach, carrying with it small amounts of minerals. Which is also my experience with high dose ascorbic acid in water taken on empty stomach: Rhinitis symptoms stop much faster than it would take through ascorbate transporters in the intestines. How long after a meal you usually waited to drink your preparation?

If there were, what were the side-effects of drinking 8 liters of water a day? (I probably wouldn't get any sleep from going to the toilet all night)

Being so sensitive to minuscule amounts - something I'm definitely not and therefore couldn't even try - have you ever thought of circumventing the digestive process completely by transdermal application with an absorption enhancer like DSMO?

I didn't necessarily drink all the 8 litres in one day, although I could do that. There were no side effects other than getting up in the night as you mentioned.

I didn't try to control or coordinate when I ate. I'd eat when I felt like it, and take the preparation when I felt it necessary.

Whilst the absorption into the bloodstream is delayed the effect is immediate, as the body 'senses' the solution in the intestine and immediately sends a messaging cascade across the entire body, altering its energy policies (among other things) to ones which are predicated on a forthcoming abundance of nutrients. This in turn helps 'pull in' said nutrients.

Funny you should mention the DMSO: I did exactly that. I gave one of the earlier preparations to my mum as a DMSO solution. She described feeling 'oxygenated' when she took it. But after a week of taking it she crashed, feeling tired and 'like a zombie'. Turns out the reason was lack of selenium (there wasn't any in it). I gave her a fat dose of selenomethionine and she picked up immediately.

EDIT A quote I missed " All other ingredients are already covered by diet many-fold. "

Yes but it is the ratios that are key, they optimize the substrate-to-enzyme exposure and minimize ions getting in the way of other ions.
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Senior Member
EDIT A quote I missed " All other ingredients are already covered by diet many-fold. "

Yes but it is the ratios that are key, they optimize the substrate-to-enzyme exposure and minimize ions getting in the way of other ions.

In your shoes, I would try to remain open to completely different avenues of explanation. Any bite of real food you took in proximity to your preparation, of course would completely off-set any key-ratios. And for basically the whole day after the bite, while the unpredictable nutrients therein get digested, absorbed and metabolized, along with those tiny in your preparation.

Oxygenation is a medical property of DSMO in itself.
Any bite of real food you took in proximity to your preparation, of course would completely off-set any key-ratios.
That doesn't follow. Just because optimal ratios can incite greater metabolic turnover does not mean that suboptimal ratios do the opposite. There needs to be an immediacy in the introduction of the nutrients -- any latency means the nutrients are not as impactful on metabolism, be it slowing it down or speeding it up.

The metabolic kinesis incited by the ratios takes on a momentum of its own and cannot be upset by the introduction of food. The kinesis is the nexus of metabolism, where reactiveness is maximal -- the nutrients for food start off in the metabolic periphery, where reactiveness is less; they are 'storage' and only slowly pulled in to the nexus as and when needed. The whole optimisation of the nutrient quantities is aimed at minimising the nutrients lingering in the metabolic periphery and causing excitement in the metabolic nexus.


Senior Member
Much more likely: you where severely dehydrated (as most are these days), or boron deficient. Taking nutrients at higher doses most of the time didn't induce immediate health benefits, but over long periods of time it took to replenish all body compartments. Often years, by which one shouldn't be fooled to think the latest added potion or ratio caused the health benefit.

And/or you indeed intuitively found the optimal homeopathic doses. While present food automatically in whatever digested form - in their overabundance and completely unpredictable ratios - would necessarily induce latency, and therefore your personal theory to nought.

However, from your prescription of how you found the individually optimal substances - by an immediate shiver down the spine - it is also clear that your potion can't be that easily replicated by any other. Who lacks that extra-sensory determination.
While present food automatically in whatever digested form - in their overabundance and completely unpredictable ratios - would necessarily induce latency, and therefore your personal theory to nought.

No, they don't induce latency, latency is a property of the nutrients.

Much more likely: you where severely dehydrated (as most are these days), or boron deficient.

I'd supplemented boron in isolation plenty of times and the most I got was the flux. If metabolism was solely throttling around the lack of boron, I could have taken boron instead of the preparation and gotten the same dramatic result.

And i was already taking plenty of water. I first reacted to a high intake of water in May 2011. Read about it here.


Senior Member
This conversation is making me really uncomfortable so I'll reiterate, please be careful everyone.


Senior Member
Looking at your potion which is mineral rich, had you ever tried a colloidal minerals & fulvic acid tonics or even shilijit?