Dear Womble,
I agree with your neurologist. There is absolutely no reason whatever to think that probiotics would have anything to do with a movement disorder. And even less to think it might have anything to do with lactic acidosis, which probiotics do not cause. Involuntary movement disorders have to do with very specific circuits in the brain and I have never heard of any reason to think these circuits would be affected by any dietary factor of this sort.
Surely the most likely thing is that the timing is just coincidence?
Yes, you might be right, but since I stopped taking probiotics I no longer am out of breath all the time, and my tremors have improved.
Unfortunately, there is no way to prove that it was the probiotic that was to blame, because I started Prilosec Proton Pump Inhibitor at the same time as I stopped the probiotic, so maybe the Prilosec led to some anti-inflammatory benefits (which is being discussed in a different thread).
My brain fog has definitely improved since I stopped the probiotic and went on Prilosec, I can read about 4 times as much now.
I still take the probiotic once or twice a week, because it reduces the pain and helps me sleep, although I am now seeking substitutes to help me sleep. (also another thread)
Maybe the probiotic couldn't cause the movement disorder, but perhaps being on the wrong probiotic for years has not helped either.
CFS remains a mystery, but I think the stomach is heavily involved, and mistreating the stomach and gut issues can lead to a worsening of the encephalitis, ...
...what do you think?