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Potentially Explosively Important XMRV Research at University of Missouri"

Cleveland, Ohio
Posted at: http://www.prohealth.com/library/showarticle.cfm?libid=15687

"Work with the XMRV virus is potentially explosively important says Dr. Stefan G. Sarafianos, PhD, one of the worlds leading retroviral researchers, based at the University of Missouri.

And some of the most potentially explosive work is being done in his lab.

A short time ago, Dr. Sarafianoss team solved the crystal structure of an important protein in the XMRV virus the one thats essential for viral replication and accordingly the logical target for future antiviral therapies. That is, they have defined this proteins intricate shape so precisely that they can now work on creating a molecule that will link into it tightly, so as to block its activity in the body.

If we know what the lock looks like, says Dr. Sarafianos, we can make the key. And indeed his lab is working to identify/develop compounds able to prevent XMRV from replicating itself, with the objective of getting a jump on developing treatment of any diseases the research community may find it associated with/causing, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer.

Even more important, the Sarafianos research team has proven its ability to make such keys.

The U of Missouri Bond Life Sciences Center team is currently involved in a collaboration with Japanese experts to develop antibodies for preventing HIV virus from entering human cells.

Specifically, the Japanese colleagues have already created an antibody that blocks the type of HIV virus typically involved in cases found in the US, Australia, Europe, and Japan. Theyre now forging ahead, with a brand new $400,000-plus NIH grant, to modify the antibody so that it will block the type of HIV typical in Africa.

To read more about Dr. Sarafianoss work, read Unraveling the Mysterious XMRV Virus, by Denise Henderson Vaugn, at http://bondlsc.missouri.edu/news/story/38/1


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
I stand by my preferred conspiracy theory that they will come up with a cure before they come up with a test to tell ya ya got it. (grins) Thus curing you before you can apply for benefits. (big grins)
Cleveland, Ohio
George- Hey, that would be okay with me. My bigger worry has been whether I want to know if I'm positive or not when treatment is so unclear.
Cort- It may seem things are moving fast, but I don't think this particular kind of announcement means treatment is on the way. The actuality between defining crystal structure and getting a resulting, non-harmful treatment agent is a a huge gap. There are plenty of HIV drugs already developed that we are more likely to get speedy laboratory work and clinical trials from.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
You appear to have set up another of my occasional off-topic rants George... :)

I stand by my preferred conspiracy theory that they will come up with a cure before they come up with a test to tell ya ya got it. (grins) Thus curing you before you can apply for benefits. (big grins)
Absolutely right George, I get that sense pretty strongly too. And taking it a step further...if they could fix the issue by sticking something in the water before anyone figured out what was actually going on, that would be even better...

Two examples over the years that have made me really wonder about how all this sort of thing is really managed.

PBDEs. I tested massively sensitive to them, several years ago. In those days I couldn't go out at all because every chair I ever sat on made me itch like crazy, all over my body. The UK had the most extreme fire-protection legislation in the world at that time; it was mandatory for all furniture to be drenched in a minimum level of PBDEs and, without a label to confirm fire-protection, you can't even sell it second hand. I managed to get hold of an old sofa through a friend that wasn't flame-retardant certified, and that was a godsend: something I could actually sit on!!

Anyway, the point here is: once PBDEs started showing up in polar bears in the arctic, and once it emerged that persistent organic pollutants like these never go away, and just build up and build up, through the food chain, and the effects are therefore cumulative, and the body can't detox them naturally...and of course it was always well known that the effects on mice of these chemicals are neurotoxic when in sufficiently high quantities, and the regulation had been based on the "safe dose", which went out the window as they gradually accumulated....once all that info started to come into the open a bit more, what did they do?...

The EU quietly banned them completely, they were all phased out and replaced with an alternative, and over a few years the "fashion" for furniture changed and all the furniture in public buildings was replaced - nowadays it's hard wooden and metal chairs, and occasionally plastic seats, all round, when I go out. And I can go out again: suddenly the poisonous chairs have all gone and I can sit down in public once again. What a neat solution! Be one step ahead with the private science, work out what your toxins are doing before it's public knowledge, and phase out the dodgiest chemicals - but do it nice and quietly, out of the public gaze.

Because just think about the costs of compensation if anything like this were ever solidly proven and widely known. Imagine the compensation costs for all of us. At a conservative 1m damages per person who has been sick for decades and had their life destroyed (loss of earnings, suffering, permanent disability) - multiplied by several million of us - and we are talking about a potential bill for trillions of dollars. Big enough incentive there to keep things nice and quiet, I'd say...worth spending quite some money to manage that risk...

Second example of something that seemed very suspicious to me fairly recently. In the UK, fairly big news story for a few days, then forgotten about: they decided to make it mandatory to put folic acid in our bread (I believe it went through in the end, quietly, but after a fair amount of coverage and generally negative response to the plan, I heard nothing more after it was eventually said it was going to happen...). The supposed reason for this was to reduce the incidence of spina bifida: pregnant women are supposed to supplement folic acid to reduce the risk of spina bifida but many fail to do so. But the incidence of spina bifida is very low anyway, and when I looked into it, my estimate of the number of cases likely to be prevented by this measure was maybe 10, 20 a year, if that...the numbers were remarkably low for something you're mandatorily dosing the whole population with. Not only that, but there was also some evidence that this dosing might increase the risk of colorectal cancer! So the benefits really seemed marginal, and it wasn't even clear that they outweighed the risks. Nevertheless, it went through.

Why? Well: at the time, one little detail leaped off the page for me. I read that one downside of the measure was that this dosing would now make it impossible to detect certain patterns of B6 and B12 deficiency, which was a useful existing marker for early detection of certain conditions. The supplementation would mask this deficiency somehow (I don't recall the details), so that it would no longer be viable to detect these problems. That seemed remarkably convenient to me...having just discovered my own B6 and B12 deficiency, through private testing, a deficiency which had not shown up on standard NHS screening because it wasn't detailed enough to test for it...and having confirmed in the medical literature that such deficiencies were consistent with the pattern of my symptoms...and then having been put onto B12 supplementation through Dr Myhill...and having improved immeasurably while on that supplementation regime...to then learn that the state is now putting a mandatory supplement in our bread that will make it impossible to detect my pattern of deficiency in the future because it will be masked by the supplementation...well, it still feels all a little bit too convenient to me...

I'm still ploughing through Martin J. Walker's books online. Great stuff, highly recommended: it really puts our situation in its proper wider context, I think. You can see the radical, extremist, grotesque philosophy of our tormentors directly and explicitly stated in their own words, and you can see the widespread anti-democratic attitude of many extremist scientists explicitly on sites like Bad Science. There is a line drawn, between the (supposedly) highly intelligent, educated, scientific, rationalist, atheist elite, who manage the population...and the (supposedly) superstitious, irrational, uneducated, irrational population for whom "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing". It might turn people off to say it straight, but nevertheless this attitude has to somehow be named for what it is: this attitude, explicitly expressed by those who now hold sway over medical science in the UK, is in a technical sense elitist, anti-democratic, totalitarian, and fascist. It divides the world into the "knows" and the "don't-need-to-knows" - and the latter group's opinions are to be manipulated through media management by entities and individuals that blur the lines between state and industry; dissenting voices must not be reported in the mainstream media, nor may they be expressed by maverick doctors like Dr Myhill, lest these people confuse and upset the general population. That's a modern form of fascism. Look up 'fascism' if you think I'm just ranting.

These people don't believe in democracy, they don't think the rest of us are intelligent or rational enough to be trusted with it. Information must be managed in sophisticated ways to guard against the perceived dangers of democracy. The immense financial benefits to the people in charge that come with being the ones who dictate these matters - the secret industry backhanders, the Richard Dolls of this world who get paid off to represent the interests of industry as if they were indisputable scientific fact...well, all that money's just a fringe benefit of course, that comes with being the super-smart people who make the tough decisions. It's up to them to decide, up to them to make those hard decisions, up to them to manage us all, and what we don't know can't hurt us.

Except, of course, that it can hurt us, and it does, as all of us here know only too well.


Senior Member
One hopes it is "explosive" and provide the answers we have long sought.


Senior Member
Toxic sofa

Hi Mark, my neighbor showed me some info on the net about this, the UK media were calling them toxic sofas. There were pictures of babies with burns where their skin was in contact with the fabric or leather.

I can just imagine what this did to people with breathing problems. I believe there was a recall on the sofas and the company went bust.

In relation to your ideas on who is really running things, your post made me remember something that I saw on TV that made my blood run cold.

It was Hilary Clinton talking about the whistleblower who outed abusers in Irag recently, claiming that it was institutionalized and widespread. Hilary Clinton was interviewed and said 'we absolutely condemn.....' I fully expected her to say the abuse and murder, but no 'the whistleblower who had broken trust and the law'

I am not as articulate as you especially not at the moment so I can't fully express my disgust at the this. It occurred to me later, are we being naive in expecting governments to right the wrongs done to so many when they are lacking in the sense to even cover up on TV and openly object to the status quo being disturbed and not the murder and chaos carried out on their watch.



Senior Member
New England
I stand by my preferred conspiracy theory that they will come up with a cure before they come up with a test to tell ya ya got it. (grins) Thus curing you before you can apply for benefits. (big grins)

Thanks George for reflecting the upside-down or Through the Looking Glass world we live in. No wonder Alice was always so puzzled....


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
potentially explosively important
I like those words a lot. You get the feeling a bit that he knows more than is released to the public. It's not for sure, of course, but good to see something like that is being done.
If you look at the 7 or so % of the population that could be infected and the diseases HMRVs could be causing, i feel it's a very explosive story. Strangely, so far, the public and also authorities have not reacted in this way. The authorities may have a good reason for this, but nevertheless those words give me the feeling somebody outside of the WPI and other than people on this and other forums is aware of what might be going on.
To me it's the best news since the Science study and the Alter/Lo study.


Northern Vermont
Potentially Explosively Important XMRV Research at University of Missouri"

A very intelligent CFS Doctor told me that the way the world works is that there is no money in using a drug that is already devoloped. Our capitalistic system will require that money be made by developing a new drug for XMRV or CFS. He of course is right. While we may lament about this sick reality, this is what makes the world go round. In light of this, I think the news from the University of Missouri is a good sign. There is a huge financial incentive to find a drug to treat this illness and the threat to our society. There must be real incentive for the people who grease the capatilist machinery to make billions of dollars selling the drugs that will be developed. I could say that this makes me sick, but since I already am sick it's a moot point. Our enemies may well save us, soon I hope.