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Potential Clinical Sign for ME/CFS

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
Could they be talking about the "Perrin Point"? I went to a lecture by Dr Perrin a couple of years ago and he mentioned a painful spot just above the left nipple that he believes is caused by a problem with the lymphatic system. I have it. If you were able to look at yourself from the front it would in the 10 o'clock position about an inch or so away from your left nipple. Does anyone else have it?

I have it, too.
How many times did I see my GP for that... and saying that it was very painful.
I thought my hormones were out of whack or I was wearing my bra too tight? LOL


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I shouldnt be hormonal right now and havent worn a bra today but when pressed to my surprise I have sore places all over the place in my breasts (like im pressing on bruises) so I cant right now distingish between that sore place and the other sore places.


Senior Member
Here's a video about Perrin's lymphatic drainage technique. I've seen him for an assessment and am thinking of trying the treatment. He emphasises it's not by any means a cure, but has helped some people.

You have to prepared for feeling worse at the start, and since I'm not too bad at the moment I don't want to do it right now.

Several on this board have tried it with varying success.




San Francisco
I worked out over the weekend with much torso rotation and that spot is hurting and tender upon pressure again. While it is a milder symptom than most of the crap that comes with CFS, it is incredibly annoying and nagging. It's exactly on the spot Boule de feu sent in the picture but on the left side for me. It's like the ribs/cartilage is tangled/pressed together/inflamed there and I would give quite something to see a Perrin guy just to massage this away - if this is possible at all. What is weird is that when I had my onset in 2009 I had pain from the chest infection right on that spot, but it was stabbing and acute at that time. I asked doctors whether the infection could have left scar tissue damage and they are always vague about it and don't care much. Another thing to try for people that have it mainly one sided is to become ambidextrous as it takes pressure away from your dominant (my left) side. Easier said than done, though, requires patience and training. I have met some martial arts people that had similar chronic injuries (without cfs though) and they started training on their other side until they were truly ambidextrous and it seemed to have helped a lot. cheers


Senior Member
Could they be talking about the "Perrin Point"? I went to a lecture by Dr Perrin a couple of years ago and he mentioned a painful spot just above the left nipple that he believes is caused by a problem with the lymphatic system. I have it. If you were able to look at yourself from the front it would in the 10 o'clock position about an inch or so away from your left nipple. Does anyone else have it?

Mine is at 2:00 position. It hurts a little for a few minutes after I press it. I've been doing the massages in Dr. Perrin's book for lymph drainage, I'll have to see if it makes any difference. Sometimes I get chest pains on left side, too, that could be from lymph nodes there, I think he said that in his book, too, I can't remember for sure if that's where I read it.


Senior Member
East Sussex
I've read about this before and not had tender points but recently I have developed them; at the Perrin point I have slight tenderness, and on both sides I have more sore tender points
I also had this in early stages. Not only tender spots but my whole chest was stiff and sore. That also triggered shortness of breath, air hunger etc. Was especially bad in early stages.
I just learned about all this and I looking for people who also know about this.

As far as the point, I think I have more a tender point on the right side.

I thought I might have craniocervical instability because my earliest symptoms seemed to start with stiff neck and pain between shoulder blades. I was going to get a dynamic (flexion, extension, rotation) standing MRI scan, but I'm not sure now.

The craniocervical instability then led me to learn about intracranial hypertension, then I came across a post on health rising mentioning this in an article. This: https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2...igh-pressure-brain-intracranial-hypertension/

Then I looked up one of the practitioners mentioned in the article, Perrin. I watched his video and I think he makes a lot of sense. He talks about the lymphatic system.

Once you watch those videos and understand feel around your chest for any lumps. I feel lumps in mine. I thought they were trigger points all this time, but I think they may actually by clogged/varicose etc. lymphatics.

I'm already doing the carnivore diet, which is a diet that is plant, dairy and eggs free. But, if I can somehow get these lymphatics moving again perhaps that may fix things. I'm very surprised that people don't know about this. I spent many hours looking up the names referenced in that first article. There have been some good recent discoveries.

Watch the videos about this you can find on YouTube: