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Postassium Usage


Senior Member
I have MTHFR and have been taking methyl B12 for a few months now. Also, labs had shown I had a functional deficiency. Within the last few days, I have had symptoms of low potassium. I've supplemented with potassium which helped greatly. I know potassium is needed when new cells are being formed. I searched here but was not able to find an answer to this. Will I need to take potassium the rest of my life or will the need decline as new cells being formed level off?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@gracee41 I needed high doses of potassium for a couple years, while implementing Freddd's Protocol. Once I'd been on it for awhile, and had done considerable detox (which might not be related) I no longer need any supplemental K+. It seems to be very much related to cellular healing, new cell growth.