I believe acceptance is important and not just for us with this disease. Many people are unhappy with their lot in life, they may feel they are not beautiful enough, tall enough, have a disability, aren't rich enough or are unhappy with their present circumstances . They may choose to bemoan their luck and be unhappy or they can choose to accept it and work toward improving things without expecting that certain things will change like height or recovery from certain diseases.
How do they feel those condemned to life in prison. They presumably did something very bad whereas we were unlucky but its a similar situation. They could rage, beat fists against the walls, become depressed but it does no good. Those who can accept and do what they can to make themselves more comfortable do much better. And some day they might get a pardon or parole but its very unlikely and they don't worry about it. One day we too might get paroled out of our prison of illness but we don't worry about it we just do the right things and do not expect any miracles. But one day, who knows?