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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Possible money-makers for chronics


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
David, my Voc Rehab guy is at a conference. I will speak with him on Monday. I'll let you know what happens when I talk to him...so many of us need more money. Plus, we would feel better contributing something tangible to our families.
an island in Florida
Voc Rehab

Hi Marian:

Yes, I am very interested to hear if he has knowledge of that software.

In the past I enjoyed being a Mortgage Broker because closing a loan helped my friends, but also allowed me to purchase those supplements and therapies that have been responsible for bringing me back to good/better health.

You know how the housing businesses are going. I'm running out of my most important supplements and feeling the difference. Especially in the sleep area.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
One of the women in my CFS support group does pet-sitting. When people are out of town she feeds their pets and sits with them for awhile.


Senior Member
Asheville, NC

I will let you know what David knows about dragon speak...I am most interrested if it will recognize medical terminology. My husband, computer geek, hears it is a very good piece of software...for many applications.

Feel free to email me to remind me...also Monday at 3pm the CFIDS org is having an on-line conference. I put a BIG note up on my refrig!


Senior Member
Asheville, NC

I can see myself doing petsitting, but at my home. I am not reliable enough, as in being able to get out or drive, to go to peoples homes. We are lucky to have a fenced in yard for our dogs, and my husband walks them daily. I have a service dog, Tally. He is a black Labrador and is with me at all times. And he would love company from time to time...thanks for the idea.


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
If anyone is interested in checking out this type of work, I know of different writers' lists and forums, etc. where you can find potential employment. And though I don't have much experience yet I am happy to share anything I've learned about this biz.

Jody - I love to write. Any ideas would be appreciated.:)


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
Jody - I am so sorry. I seem to have missed this last question in the thread.

My novel is a complicated romance that begins in the protagonist's early teens in the 1960s, only to have the two separated by geography and parental prejudices as a result of World War II. This separation leads to a drop-off and finally a cessation of their frequent letters to one another. Years later, when both are married - her disasterously - the two meet again...


Senior Member

Never any need to apologize for missing a post or a long delay in getting back to one. :) I hate to think how many I have missed, that I would have liked to respond to in the last few months as I'm coming back from a crash ... or two.

That is quite a well-developed plot line. How is the writing coming?


Senior Member

Good to hear from you again.

You've been away from the forums for awhile I think?

You doing okay?
an island in Florida
ok or not

hI JOdy:
I've been helping a friend with his work. Due to CFS I can't start until after 1 in the afternoon, so it ends up being sometime in the evening when I'm done.
I can't tell you how much it has magnified the pain. Ouch... and the sleep has really declined. I tend to wake up every hour, two if I'm lucky.
It also seems to increase the anxiety, which is wierd.
I guess I'm just totally worn out, but then it's December. My list for today, a day off would take me 3 days to complete...
It also has prevented me from time on the "robot" at the pain management Doctor, and that has definitely increased the muscle spasms and the intense pain areas. I'd like one for home for Christmas...
I've been keeping an eye on several threads and wish I had the time to sit down and read, but that position at the computer at the end of a day isn't possible. Too painful.
How are things up in the frozen tundra? I had to wear shoes the other day instead of sandals it was so cold down here. Fortunately the next day it was back in the 70's.


Senior Member

You are taunting me with your idyllic weather.

I'm going to let you get away with it because you are feeling so lousy. Sorry to hear how bad your health has been.

Actually where I live isn't the frozen tundra that much of Canada has turned into, or will be turning into soon. We have a pretty temperate climate compared to most of the country.

No snow yet. There have been a few sprinklings of flakes a few times but nothing has stayed on the ground. We are normally in the 30s and 40s this time of year.

And our first real snow, that stays, often doesn't happen till just after Christmas.

I do envy the sandal bit though, gotta say. :rolleyes:
an island in Florida
work etc

I moved to Florida from SD because of the pain caused by FMS. I would say that I got rid of half of my normal daily pain just from moving to a warmer climate.
SD was actually a warmer climate from Minnesota where I had lived for a few decades.

When your body isn't dealing with the cold weather, it has more energy for healing and doing other things. I'm much more active here than I was there, just because I don't have to deal with the cold.

I've been tempted to just marry a financially well to do man so I don't have to deal with the stress of trying to pay my bills and earn the money to pay them, but just can't marry for money. That should qualify as a job right?
I have to "love" them first, and none of the above has presented himself for that purpose... I think a guy would have to have a good measure of patience to deal with the quirks of FMS/CFS.

I did read someones post the other day about taking Naltrexone in the morning instead of at night, and I've tried that the last two nights. I'm not sure but it might have made a difference in the quality of sleep. I felt as if I may have slept more deeply, and I actually got 3 hours straight without waking up. Did have a bout of the heebie jeebies last night though, and not sure if it's related to the Naltrexone at a different time of the day, or if it's too much exercise, or not enough exercise yesterday. Then again, I felt like Scrooge yesterday - - no Christmas decorations this year, so maybe it's related to my emotions.

I need an analytical well to do man who likes to dance.
Do we have a prayer chain on this forum? A miracle is the only way that's going to happen. That said, being in love really improves the sleep and drops the pain level.


Thanks Jody. I am currently working on a novel, but some short writing would be a boon at times like this, when fog sets in. ;)

I've had several ideas in the works for a long time, but haven't gotten far in any of them.

How is it coming Martlet? Did you find any places to submit shorter works? Any of us 'wanna be' writers interested in getting together (online of course) to motivate and encourage one another?


Senior Member
I moved to Florida from SD because of the pain caused by FMS. I would say that I got rid of half of my normal daily pain just from moving to a warmer climate.
SD was actually a warmer climate from Minnesota where I had lived for a few decades.

When your body isn't dealing with the cold weather, it has more energy for healing and doing other things. I'm much more active here than I was there, just because I don't have to deal with the cold.

I've been tempted to just marry a financially well to do man so I don't have to deal with the stress of trying to pay my bills and earn the money to pay them, but just can't marry for money. That should qualify as a job right?
I have to "love" them first, and none of the above has presented himself for that purpose... I think a guy would have to have a good measure of patience to deal with the quirks of FMS/CFS.

I did read someones post the other day about taking Naltrexone in the morning instead of at night, and I've tried that the last two nights. I'm not sure but it might have made a difference in the quality of sleep. I felt as if I may have slept more deeply, and I actually got 3 hours straight without waking up. Did have a bout of the heebie jeebies last night though, and not sure if it's related to the Naltrexone at a different time of the day, or if it's too much exercise, or not enough exercise yesterday. Then again, I felt like Scrooge yesterday - - no Christmas decorations this year, so maybe it's related to my emotions.

I need an analytical well to do man who likes to dance.
Do we have a prayer chain on this forum? A miracle is the only way that's going to happen. That said, being in love really improves the sleep and drops the pain level.


Sounds like you've got men on the brain. :)

You want us to pray that you find one? Or two? :)

We don't have a prayer chain but you can always start one ... :)


Senior Member
Olympia, wa
Another resource for marketing from home for those in the arts is Imagekind.com
and Zazzle.com.

Both sites have really helped me keep my work in the public eye, especially since I no longer have the energy to take on gallery deadlines.

Zazzle is free and has a variety of products on can put art/graphics on, while Imagekind caters more to the Fine Art/Photography print market. I've been really pleased with the product quality from both.

Both sites have free affiliate programs too. I've not made enough from either to equal a steady paycheck, but something is better than nothing!

as an example: My Imagekind Gallery


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
Prayer Chain

I would be happy to help you with a prayer chain...I just don't know how to start the thread and then find it etc. You may PM me.

In the meantime I'll pray for a rich and loving companion for you!