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Possible mercury poisoning ?

My current problem started when I had one amalgam removed, not safely, about 3 years ago. Since then I experience lack of motivation in life, apathy, lethargy. I can't really be happy anymore. I don't feel joy from anything. It feels like my emotions are buried under a thick layer of dust. I have no possible psychological reason to be in this state. So I guess something is wrong in my body.

I got them all removed one month ago, since then I also started to experience ear / head ringing. I think it appeared when I started to use cillantro and chlorella.

I always loved watching TV shows, NOW they do not interest me anymore.
I always loved PC games, NOW I don't care.
I was always passionate about tennis, NOW I don't care.

It feels like some section of my brained is turned off. And trust me, it's the worst "feeling" in my life.

I don't want to be in this state anymore. I want to experience life is I used to when I was younger. Is there any chance of cure ? Or am I permanently lost with this "gray" version of me. What should I do ?

I stopped taking cillantro, when I learned that it has the capability of moving mercury in and out of the brain.

Also, could this be candida overgrowth ?

Thank you very much for your answers
Much appreciated
You may want to look into Andy Cutler's protocol. Best places to start would be either the Yahoo or Facebook group.

It can be a very long process, but in theory you can gradually clear mercury from your brain. I don't know about Candida, but mercury can potentially impair the immune system's response to yeast.


Senior Member
I always loved watching TV shows, NOW they do not interest me anymore.
I always loved PC games, NOW I don't care.
I was always passionate about tennis, NOW I don't care.

It feels like some section of my brained is turned off. And trust me, it's the worst "feeling" in my life.

I don't want to be in this state anymore. I want to experience life is I used to when I was younger. Is there any chance of cure ? Or am I permanently lost with this "gray" version of me. What should I do ?

I think what you may have is anhedonia, which I am very familiar with, as I developed severe anhedonia from a viral infection (and others who caught the same virus also showed signs of anhedonia, to varying degrees).

I know how awful anhedonia can be; life becomes so flat and meaningless, that you wonder what's the point. In severe cases of anhedonia, suicidal ideation is common, probably because of the total flatness of life.

Anhedonia is defined as a lack of feelings of pleasure or reward from life’s normal activities. The reward circuits of the brain are not working properly in anhedonia, so the experience of pleasure and satisfaction is much reduced or absent. There are actually two forms of anhedonia: consummatory anhedonia, which is where you don’t feel much reward or satisfaction on completing a normally enjoyable activity; and anticipatory anhedonia, which is where you don’t get any good feelings when you look forward to doing an activity that is normally enjoyable.

A closely related condition that often comes alongside anhedonia is emotional flatness ("blunted affect" is the medical term):
Emotional flatness is slightly different from anhedonia, though people often confuse the two. In anhedonia, the experience of pleasure from daily activities, and the sense of reward on completing tasks, is weak or absent. Whereas in emotional flatness, life’s normal emotional responses (love, sadness, compassion, guilt, anger, joy, surprise, etc) are weak or absent.

Did you have any signs of infection in the weeks or months just before your anhedonia first appeared? The mental and physical symptoms my virus caused are detailed on my website here.
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I THINK that I had Tonsillitis around the time my problem started. I was put on antibiotics for the first time in my life. That was probably 3 years back. So that could possibly be cause by this. Well the question is, is there any permanent cure ?
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Senior Member
Well the question is, is there any permanent cure ?

Anhedonia and blunted affect are very difficult to treat, as there are almost no drugs that help. Some people find the neuroleptic drug amisulpride helpful, and I take this myself (see this thread).

I have also found that some supplements help, see here.

And I found that my anhedonia generally improved a lot once I started taking anti-inflammatory supplements that reduce gut and brain inflammation (supplements such as N-acetyl-glucosamine, vinpocetine and turmeric). Brain inflammation may underlie many mental symptoms.

Do you have ME/CFS as well as anhedonia, or is anhedonia your only symptom?