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Possible COVID treatments: essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, etc.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon

Anybody into folklore? Or looking for a possible alternative to getting a vaccine? The following story (indented below) is a rendition on the thieves story that has been around for quite some time. I think it has relevance to the current COVID-19 pandemic, and I use the preventative remedy it mentions to help protect myself from becoming infected. I choose this route over getting a vaccination as I think I'd be at high risk for some serious "side effects".

I became aware of this story many years ago, and then had an interesting experience with a plumber who came to the house to swap out a hot water heater. I immediately smelled what I thought was a cologne, but he assured me it was only essential oils. -- When I asked him for more information about it, he explained that plumbing is a really dirty job, and he used to get sick all the time. He then heard about the thieves story, and decided to try it. He said once he started applying it before going to work, he never gets sick any more.

I make some up in a mist bottle, and do a few sprays into my mouth and nose, so that it gets into my lungs and sinuses. I also do the same with a dilute mist (2%) of food grade hydrogen peroxide. I then rub the mist that's left on my face all over my whole face and neck, and even into my ears (where infections can take hold). I do this every time I come out of a store, or other indoor places where people congregate.

I'm going to start using the thieves blend before going into indoor places, as I think the oils will become absorbed into the sinuses and remain there for a period of time. I strongly believe that if everybody did these simply preventative measures, there's a strong possibility COVID-19 could become a non-issue. Especially if combined with a targeted nutritional support, like Vit. D, Vit, C, zinc, melatonin, and others. -- Here's the story...

Used for thousands of years, essential oils have been leveraged for emotional as well as physical healing, perfumery and cosmetics, and rituals and ceremonies. Folklore has many variations of the story of thieves, an essential oil blend very popular today.​
Our favorite rendition dates back to 1413. During the 15th century bubonic plague in Europe and Asia, four European thieves made it a habit to rob the deceased of anything of value. These bodies were highly contagious with the plague, which begins with severe flu symptoms and then continues with the bacteria infecting the blood system, usually ending in death (it is estimated 150 million people passed during this four year pandemic). However, these nasty villains never contracted the plague. It was reported that they wore hats and masks that smelled of vinegar and garlic and herbs and spices, namely cloves, lemons, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary.​
A French version also involves the thieves. These hooligans were caught and jailed for robbing sick or vulnerable people, but never caught the deadly illness. They were to be burned alive for their crimes, but their judge told them he would spare them that if they would share how they avoided the plague. The thieves said that they were perfume and spice merchants who lost their livelihoods because of the thorough devastation of the disease. They combined cloves, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary and applied the blend to their hands, ears, feet, temples, and on a mask that they wore over their mouth.​
Then they went out and about and committed their crimes, protected from the very infectious illness. Once the judge learned of their secret (and shared it among all he knew), he did spare them the punishment of being burned and he them hung instead.​
The combination of these herbs and spices, especially when concentrated to an essential oil, contains properties that are antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and antiviral - and it smells great, too! The combined scent is a warm, comforting feeling.​
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Senior Member
Hello Everyone....Wayne, the thieves story was quite interesting, and I liked the unique way in which the judge metered out punishment, but there is one thing that concerns me...and it isn't quite clear.

Do you inhale some of the essential oils themselves? The reason I ask is that it's known to be dangerous to the lining of the lungs for even something such as camphor (in Vick's for example) to be used outside the nasal membrances b/c of the danger of inhalation. By all means wear the mask, I'm sure you could sell the ingredients, but don't make yourself a sick person on down the road. I get bronchitis and pneumonia very easily, so do follow the latest news re: anything that can cause problems.

Yes, essential oils were priceless for many years, and during certain plagues were used to cover up the horrid smells that rose from the bodies. In reality, we're overdue for a plague of some sort or another (to reduce the human population) but it's a rather cruel thing to do if it can be at all avoided. My feeling is that it will happen again someday, especially now that the world is no longer isolated into many parts.

A vaccination is a step into the beyond, but hasn't it always been that way? What are your thoughts? Yours, L

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Our favorite rendition dates back to 1413.

Eucalyptus are from Australia. Had the discovered Australia yet? I question that one, but otherwise love the story which likely has some credence.

I don't think I could handle such perfumes and oils in my sinus and mouth, however. But I'm a believer in things like the peroxide....

Its important to look at solvents that may have been used to extract the essential oils- sourcing will matter.


Because everyday is Caturday...
The combination of these herbs and spices, especially when concentrated to an essential oil, contains properties that are antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and antiviral - and it smells great, too! The combined scent is a warm, comforting feeling.
I have a few bottles of the this delightful oil. Not sure it actually does anything for me but it sure does smell nice. A mix of Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Rosemary essential oils. If you trust the source, you can put two or three drops in water or tea.

There are a number of PWME out there that use this oil for Aromatherapy. The scent is quite strong so dilution with olive oil is recommended.

There are just so many uses for Thieves Oil.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
also just be careful- my husband used some peroxide in his ears and ended up damage the microbiome, developed bizzare inflammation and had to go on anti inflammatories.

I'd be curious what strength your husband used (if you recall). I feel quite comfortable with the 2% solution as most people that use this therapy opt for the 3%. I think 2% is plenty strong, as I think it only take .5% solution to kill coronaviruses.

I don't think I could handle such perfumes and oils in my sinus and mouth,

My wife made up 2 oz. bottles (with misters) and added the oils. I'm pretty sure she said she used about 5 drops of each oil in water to make the solution. I try to remember to shake it good before using it. I've never felt even the least bit of irritation in my sinuses or my throat from using either this or the H2O2 mist.


Senior Member
I think 2% is plenty strong, as I think it only take .5% solution to kill coronaviruses.

Seems Dr. Brownstein used 0.04% and Mercola 0.1%: only:

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/.../09/13/how-to-nebulize-hydrogen-peroxide.aspx At the very first signs of a respiratory infection, dilute food-grade hydrogen peroxide down to a 0.1% (my recommendation) or 0.04% solution (Dr. Brownstein's recommendation). If you want, you can add one drop of 5% Lugol's iodine solution, and nebulize using a desktop nebulizer.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I'd be curious what strength your husband used (if you recall)

He was using straight drug store bottle of peroxide- the weak type which is 3% I think.

He had an ear wax build up and it helped. But then he developed the next problem, wiped out the fauna of his own ears...ended up with like external rashes ....etc.

We are big believers in using food grade peroxide, dilutions etc.

I've never felt even the least bit of irritation in my sinuses or my throat from using either this or the H2O2 mist.

Thats good to know....we will look for this Thieves Oil...


Senior Member
It's not that you feel the irritation at the time, it's the long term exposure to tiny droplets getting into lung tissue that is the problem here. Just guard yourselves. We don't know what the thieves ended up dying from, do we?Oh, and Merry Xmas!! Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
From this page with references further down: https://swprs.org/on-the-treatment-of-covid-19/

Treatment protocol

  1. Zinc (25mg to 50mg per day)
  2. Quercetin (250mg to 500mg per day)
  3. Bromhexine (24mg to 36mg per day)*
  4. Vitamin D (2000 IU per day)
  5. Vitamin C (1000mg per day)
Early treatment
  1. Zinc (75mg to 150mg per day)
  2. Quercetin (500mg to 1000mg per day)
  3. Vitamins D (5000 u/d) and C (1000mg/d)
  4. Bromhexine (50mg to 100mg per day)*
  5. Aspirin (162mg to 325mg per day)*
Prescription only
  1. Ivermectin (12mg per day for 2 days)*
  2. High-dose vitamin D (up to 100,000 IU)
  3. Azithromycin (up to 500mg per day)
  4. Prednisone (60mg to 80mg per day)*
  5. Hydroxychloroquine (400mg per day)*

Personally have taken 50 mg of Zinc per day for the last 12 years, Its serum test still come back at the lower end of normal. Vitamin D3 I needed 7.700 IU to stay in the middle of normal range. Also took in average 200mg of Quercetin and 25 g of Ascorbic acid per day.

Not against covid, but together with comprehensive supplementation and lifestyle changes to effect remissions (PAD, COPD, T2D, PEMS).


Senior Member
Hi @pamojja....Thanks for outlining the protocol recommended for COVID. It's good to know and I've just passed it on to someone who may have been exposed to the virus. His wife has it, and other member of his family elsewhere are testing positive.

I just wanted to let you know in case he contacts you. I hope you've been able to stay healthy and will soon get the immunization from the virus. Everything you did has been appreciated. Yours, Lenora.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I've just passed it on to someone who may have been exposed to the virus.

Hi @lenora -- Probably the first link I would send to someone who's just been exposed to the coronavirus would be a listing of articles on the Orthomolecular Medicine website (below). They have numerous articles on Vit. C and COVID-19, and others with many tips on using nutrition to effectively combat what appears to be a relatively easy infection to treat. I consider it to be a truly remarkable resource.

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
The Type of Fat You Eat Affects Your COVID Risk

  • A compelling report in the journal Gastroenterology offers a radically novel yet logically sound explanation as to why some COVID-19 patients develop life-threatening organ failure, namely their high unsaturated fat intake
  • Data indicate that COVID-19 mortality rates are heavily influenced by the amount of unsaturated fats you eat. Simply put, unsaturated fat intake is associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your risk of death
  • The researchers believe early treatment with calcium and egg albumin will reduce rates of organ failure and ICU admissions, as they bind unsaturated fats and reduce organ injury
  • Omega-6 linoleic acid (LA) makes up the bulk of the omega-6 consumed and is the primary contributor to nearly all chronic diseases, because when consumed in excessive amounts, LA acts as a metabolic poison
  • Detailed instructions for how to calculate and track your LA intake are included


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
@Wayne This thread is mistitled. A vaccine confers long term protection from a virus due to changes induced in the immune system - antibodies against the illness. Though done of the things mentioned here may help with temporary avoidance of or treatment of COVID, but they are not equivalent.

None of us knows exactly how SARS-CoV2 will affect us - cases range from mold yo causing death, with significant damage to heart and lungs in between. It is not something to be trifled with. Whole I'm skeptical of the need for every possible vaccination out there and am aware of risks of certain vaccines, in this case, as this virus is so dangerous, getting a shot is the wise thing to do for most of us. I've been watching this debate and clinicians I trust who dont typically recommend all their patients get every vaccine are emphatically recommending this one.

It is also not prudent to be labelling threads in an inflammatory way as it can bring on the unwelcome attention of those censoring health information. I value this forum and would hate to see it compromised.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@Wayne This thread is mistitled.

Hi @Learner1 -- I hadn't given much thought to the title of this thread, as I didn't start it, and so didn't choose the title. I don't quite understand your saying it's inflammatory, but I appreciate your concerns, and would welcome changing it any other title you feel is appropriate.

I've been watching this debate and clinicians I trust who dont typically recommend all their patients get every vaccine are emphatically recommending this one.

Having experienced a major anaphylactic shock in the past (closest I ever came to death), along with a major reaction to a vaccination as a child, I think my system is way too vulnerable to a shock that a vaccine could induce. But I don't think that's the case for everyone. I actually think it's probably a good risk/reward ratio for most people, and the benefit to them and the country at large could be enormous. It's just not for me.

I hope you're doing well! :)


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Hi @Learner1 -- I hadn't given much thought to the title of this thread, as I didn't start it, and so didn't choose the title. I don't quite understand your saying it's inflammatory, but I appreciate your concerns, and would welcome changing it any other title you feel is appropriate.

Having experienced a major anaphylactic shock in the past (closest I ever came to death), along with a major reaction to a vaccination as a child, I think my system is way too vulnerable to a shock that a vaccine could induce. But I don't think that's the case for everyone. I actually think it's probably a good risk/reward ratio for most people, and the benefit to them and the country at large could be enormous. It's just not for me.

I hope you're doing well! :)
Sorry, thought you'd initiated it. I asked the mods to consider changing it.

I definitely think some patients may need to avoid the vaccine, and you may have good reason to. But this should be an individual conversation with our doctors and the number of patients avoiding it should be small. We need to encourage those around us to get it if possible and protect all of us. This is one bad virus...😉

Doing ok, but hoping to avoid COVID. Best wishes to you!