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Polygala Tenuifolia Extract Review


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Polygala is used in Chinese medicine, and I was recommended it for it’s effective NMDA antagonist properties. Polygala has multiple qualities that I think could potentially help certain individuals with ME/CFS.

The recommended daily dose is 100mg, x3 daily. The effects start to appear within 20 minutes. A sense of calmness within my brain and a very noticeable decrease in central fatigue and pain sensitivity.

I began to take Polygala mainly for my severe sensory overload, that saw me housebound in isolation and silence for 13 months due to me not being able to tolerate sensory/stimuli. I can honestly say, Polygala reduces my sensory issues by a good 70-80%, and I rely on marijuana to fill the remaining percentage.

I haven’t noticed any side effects whatsoever, and it’s gentle on the stomach. I’ve recently taken Memantine, and I find Memantine a tiny little bit stronger. However, the effectiveness in sensory overload reduction is just the same for myself. I have also tried Kava root, and I personally felt the effects of Polygala much more so than Kava.

Polygala’s Potential Therapeutic Qualities

. NMDA Antagonist
. Triple Reuptake Inhibitor - Serotonin, Norepinephrine & Dopamine
. BDNF Increase/Regulation
. Anti inflammatory effects in Microglial Cells
. Memory Improvement

The link below will provide a more in-depth list of therapeutic qualities of Polygala

I believe the extract of Polygala used in the studies in the link I’ve provided (above), is the product I bought from Nootropic Depot. I opted for the powdered version as a serving size (100mg) is relatively small in powder quantity. You can however, choose the capsules. The links are provided below.

Polygala Extract (Powder) - https://nootropicsdepot.com/polygala-tenuifolia-20-1-extract-powder-yuan-zhi/

Polygala Extract (Capsules) - https://nootropicsdepot.com/polygala-tenuifolia-20-1-extract-100mg-capsules-yuan-zhi/

I use this company to buy my CoQ10 powder, and have never had an issue. The quality and shipping (USA to the UK) has been ‘on point’.

*EDIT* - As for antidepressant qualities, it is in my opinion that Polygala is much more effective and potent than St John’s Wort and 5htp combined.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Do you think you would have to wean off of it like other Reuptake Inhibitors?

I was just prescribed Cymbalta for the first time for what the rheumatologist thinks is Fibromyalgia and there are so many websites dedicated to the nightmare of going off this med (or even being a few hours late for a dose) that I'm not even sure I want to begin to take it.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Polygala is used in Chinese medicine, and I was recommended it for it’s effective NMDA antagonist properties. Polygala has multiple qualities that I think could potentially help certain individuals with ME/CFS.

So I have been taking Yuan Zhi for quite some time, which is described as: Radix Polygala. It is in a custom mix with 37 other things.

I am somewhat sure this is the same thing (ie. Polygala tenuifolia you refer to). The Chinese naming system is not entirely consistent with our Latin naming system. Radix means use the root, its not the latin name.

So I cannot imagine a life without these herbs..I've taken for maybe ten years, altho at times they vary. I generally used raw herbs, but currently I'm using granules as they are "easier" at the moment. Getting it in more consistently.

Also: literally I do not know how I would survive without marijuana. It literally just knocks out 100 miserable symptoms, and then I can sleep. (unrefreshing, but its still sleep).

To what degree these things have helped is somewhat hard to articulate, as I've been at this for so long now. I don't think I can say that anything is 80% better.

I suspect that if I went off these herbal tools, I'd be looking for a cliff with great scenery at the bottom. I do NOT let these things run out.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I use this company to buy my CoQ10 powder, and have never had an issue. The quality and shipping (USA to the UK) has been ‘on point’.

We use almost exclusively, one company to obtain raw chinese herbs: because they do substantial testing and quality control: Plum Flower brand in San Francisco...... some health food stores carry their formularies and wan-pills.

I don't have the name of the company from which we order the granular Chinese Traditional Herbs..but its possible I can get the name..... they are in the US and also do considerable testing.

Its important to keep in mind that one never takes one herb in Chinese medicine. I take 38 things. One generally does not "buy" a single chinese herb. The formularies are also typically blends.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Do you think you would have to wean off of it like other Reuptake Inhibitors?

I personally haven’t come across any research that suggests that you need to
Do you think you would have to wean off of it like other Reuptake Inhibitors?

I’m 90% sure that you do NOT need to wean off. I’ve yet to come across any research or debate as to whether Polygala needs to be weaned off. It’s not as strong as SNRI’s, however, due to it’s other properties (NMDA antagonist, anti-inflammatory, etc etc), I find it’s very effective.

I was just prescribed Cymbalta for the first time for what the rheumatologist thinks is Fibromyalgia and there are so many websites dedicated to the nightmare of going off this med (or even being a few hours late for a dose) that I'm not even sure I want to begin to take it.
I’m sorry you’re having a tough time with the Cymbalta issue. I took Cymbalta when I was around 18, and I decided to come off ‘cold turkey’ and it was the first thing I’ve ever done. Waw, what an idiot I was.

I’ve also taken Venlafaxine (Effexor) which REALLY helped with pain, fatigue and OCD/anxiety at the beginning of my journey with M.E./CFS. When I decided to discontinue them, I gradually decreased, and everything was okay until the last few milligram. Brain zaps, sweating and lack of appetite that made me feel weak. All of this was for about 4 days, and that’s when I returned to my normal self.

3 months later, I started to have severe sensory overload. Looking back and speaking to people who kind of understand the issue with SNRI’s, it could well be that the Effexor caused neuropathic changes, which was detrimental to my brain. I’m sorry I ever came off them.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
So I have been taking Yuan Zhi for quite some time, which is described as: Radix Polygala.
I believe it is the same thing.

So I cannot imagine a life without these herbs..I've taken for maybe ten years, altho at times they vary.
Do you recommended anything in particular that stands out from the rest? I have heard about taking Chinese herbs together. I don’t do that, but would be willing to try more.

Also: literally I do not know how I would survive without marijuana. It literally just knocks out 100 miserable symptoms, and then I can sleep. (unrefreshing, but its still sleep)
Cannabis keeps me above the water and stops me from drowning. It’s that simple. It’s my greatest weapon within my arsenal currently.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I was just prescribed Cymbalta for the first time for what the rheumatologist thinks is Fibromyalgia and there are so many websites dedicated to the nightmare of going off this med (or even being a few hours late for a dose) that I'm not even sure I want to begin to take it.
I'd be very very careful with Cymbalta, and with all anti-d's generally.

Everyone reacts differently, but I've had very very baaaaad reactions to everything that was prescribed in that area

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Do you recommended anything in particular that stands out from the rest? I have heard about taking Chinese herbs together. I don’t do that, but would be willing to try more.

I go to a particularly skilled Chinese herbalist....and he prescribes various mixes and makes occasional adjustments. If the shelves are lined with containers full of raw herbs...you may have found someone with sufficient expertise. About 2000 herbs are commonly used.

If they just give you some colored pills, or a bottle of something....good chance they don't have sufficient expertise.

I occasionally use some formularies (buy in a bottle in a health food store) for basic health like: don't get the cold, or for stomach stuff. These are often very good.

Its much easier to learn acupuncture, than herbs. Herbs are the best route for chronic illnesses.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I agree. This may be conspiracy-theory paranoia but it does seem that more and more doctors are pushing these for just about every sickness under the sun. It feels to me like they're trying to get us all on them.
Like you, not wanting to feed into the wildly gyrating internet conspiracy theory whirlwind, but an attorney I know explained it to me in one simple sentence: "Its called pre-impeaching the witness".



Senior Member
United Kingdom
So you still would have gone on them even though you think the Effexor caused "neuropathic changes" to your brain?

Sorry, I meant ‘Neuroplastic’, not ‘Neuropathic’. The reason why I’m saying I’m sorry I came off them is because of the severe sensory overload that came after discontinuing.

For pain, I would definitely try Marijuana first. There’s multiple THC:CBD ratios that can assist your needs. I know feeling ‘high’ is an issue for some people. It definitely is for me especially in the day, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

I would also look into Kratom. I’ve tried Kratom a couple of times just for energy increase. For pain, I’ve heard it’s an effective alternative to opioids.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Like you, not wanting to feed into the wildly gyrating internet conspiracy theory whirlwind, but an attorney I know explained it to me in one simple sentence: "Its called pre-impeaching the witness".

It seems to me that Medical Doctors should: if they believe a patient has mental health issues or may be depressed and in need to assistance: they should refer to psychiatrists who are trained in that arena.

How are they getting away with this? (even the gynocologist tried to get me on these stupid Anti-Ds.)

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
For pain, I would definitely try Marijuana first. There’s multiple THC:CBD ratios that can assist your needs. I know feeling ‘high’ is an issue for some people. It definitely is for me especially in the day, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

Its like this miraculous reversal of fortunes.... You know your in trouble if your smarter on Pot then Not.

CBDs don't seem to do much for me. The real deal- seems to work miracles. But I'm not trying to do rocket science any longer. I just don't want to feel THIS HORRIBLE daily.

So go figure that smoking something makes the horrible sore throat go away (kills that pain). Stops the lurking nausea that follows me for hours on end. Helps me eat. Seems to get my brain back working again...

I am getting really intense fibro at night right now in my spine, as I am run down and noticing that the THC is not remotely TOUCHING that one. Like screaming pain. Have to collapse.

I'm also noticing the THC seems to stop this Tachycardia...thingy...another new symptoms...racing and you can hear your own heart flopping around at 180...bpm. Freaky shit.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
they should refer to psychiatrists who are trained in that arena.
Psychs are actually the worst, at least many of them. They love to experiment on their patients, a friend of mine almost killed himself while under the care of one these Dr Mengele's. I don't recommend, at least not without careful researching of the Dr under consideration.
How are they getting away with this? (even the gynocologist tried to get me on these stupid Anti-Ds.)
They're getting away with it because of the enormous benefits BigPharm showers on all prescribers, especially frequent prescribers. Since pretty much all of the Drs willing to prescribe this shite are reaping the benefits, none of them are going to complain about the others, what with the deep and generous trough they're all snuffling around in.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Sorry, I meant ‘Neuroplastic’, not ‘Neuropathic’. The reason why I’m saying I’m sorry I came off them is because of the severe sensory overload that came after discontinuing.
This is just one of the fairly standard withdrawal symptoms when coming off anti-d's and benzos. It's the reason that very very sloooowwww tapers are helpful
I would also look into Kratom. I’ve tried Kratom a couple of times just for energy increase. For pain, I’ve heard it’s an effective alternative to opioids.
I keep bumping into kratom too, and have come to believe in its effectiveness, if only based on the efforts that are underway to make it illegal in the US. They wouldn't bother if kratom were ineffective.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
CBDs don't seem to do much for me
Same here. Although I must say, when combined with THC (1:1 ratio), the effects a somewhat different than just THC. the CBD takes ‘the edge off’ the THC which is ideal for a daytime strain if you need to get things done.

I am getting really intense fibro at night right now in my spine, as I am run down and noticing that the THC is not remotely TOUCHING that one. Like screaming pain. Have to collapse.
Sorry to hear you’re going through this. I hope you’re okay and you’re feeling a little better.

I'm also noticing the THC seems to stop this Tachycardia...thingy...another new symptoms...racing and you can hear your own heart flopping around at 180...bpm. Freaky shit.
I had the same when I was on the Keto diet. I had to come off the diet because of it. It scared me.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I keep bumping into kratom too, and have come to believe in its effectiveness, if only based on the efforts that are underway to make it illegal in the US. They wouldn't bother if kratom were ineffective
I’d highly recommend you try it. Low doses are stimulating giving a very effective increase in energy. For myself, Kratom has potent antidepressant effects. I’d use the term “inhibitory”. Very similar to Kava. Unfortunately I won’t be using it daily because of the high potential of withdrawals.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I’d highly recommend you try it. Low doses are stimulating giving a very effective increase in energy. For myself, Kratom has potent antidepressant effects. I’d use the term “inhibitory”. Very familiar to Kava.
Thanks for this!!! I've been on the verge a few times, but wasn't up to trolling around, trying to find a reliable source.
@Rufous McKinney
You might email your TCM guy and see what he thinks, and if he can provide a reliable source for you. Nothing kills fun, or life for that matter, like the kind of severe pain you're in.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Thanks for this!!! I've been on the verge a few times, but wasn't up to trolling around, trying to find a reliable source
I don’t blame you. I get mine from Europe, as I live in the UK. I can’t seem to find much info on Kratom’s relationship and neurotransmitters. Apparently it’s a GABA antagonist, however with my personal experience with Kratom, I’d say it’s the opposite just going on how I feel. I know when I’m feeling ‘GABA calm’ if that makes sense?