Here is my humble opinion based on my case and observations: Exercise intolerance comes from the autonomic dysfunction, If you read the people with POTs they struggle w exercise like we do. THE TRICK is to treat the autonomic dysfunction and the PEM and The intolerance will ease. If you do not treat, then you can exercise under your AT in a safe way. DO NOT GO OVER YOUR AT if you are having issues or it will crash you.
I do not consider beta blocker the answer based on observation from people where they feel better but I read all the orthostatic intolerance symptoms they are having. I am talking about vasoscontrictor + Florinef combo like.
If you are having orthostatic intolerance symptoms then keep under AT, that is the rule I keep anyways, I just raised my Midodrine dose to 15mg every 4h (vasocontsrictor) to a place where I have run for the last 2 days w no payback (YET) but I have been increasing activity slowly based on my OI symptoms (HR is stable, BP stable....).
If when I wake up my HR is higher by 8% I am doing too much and I cut back. This rule was actually given to me by the exercise physiologist and I still follow it no matter how I feel.
I do not consider beta blocker the answer based on observation from people where they feel better but I read all the orthostatic intolerance symptoms they are having. I am talking about vasoscontrictor + Florinef combo like.
If you are having orthostatic intolerance symptoms then keep under AT, that is the rule I keep anyways, I just raised my Midodrine dose to 15mg every 4h (vasocontsrictor) to a place where I have run for the last 2 days w no payback (YET) but I have been increasing activity slowly based on my OI symptoms (HR is stable, BP stable....).
If when I wake up my HR is higher by 8% I am doing too much and I cut back. This rule was actually given to me by the exercise physiologist and I still follow it no matter how I feel.