Please send CBS your comments


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
WPI Reply to CBS News CFS Segment

Let's show CBS that we reward good coverage as well as we do poor journalism!

Here's the reply to CBS News by WPI:

by February 23, 2011 11:25 PM EST

The spectrum of neuro-immune diseases including: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), Atypical MS, Fibromyalgia and Gulf War Syndrome, share common abnormalities in the innate immune response, which result in chronic immune activation and immune deficiency.

We have detected the retroviral infection XMRV in greater than 95% of the more than 200 ME/CFS, Fibromylagia, Atypical MS patients tested. The current working hypothesis is that XMRV infection of B, T, NK and other cells of the innate immune response causes chronic inflammation and immune deficiency resulting in an inability to mount an effective immune response to opportunistic infections. (See XMRV paper in Science.)

This discovery opens an entirely new avenue of Neuro-Immune Disease related research and our discovery has brought to this field world-renowned immunologists and retrovirologists building our team of collaborators to translate our discoveries into new treatments as soon as possible.

Because retroviruses are known to cause inflammatory diseases, neurological disease, immune deficiency and cancer, the discovery of XMRV has far reaching implications for the prevention and treatment of not only lymphoma, one of the potentially devastating complications of ME/CFS, but prostate cancer and perhaps many others.


Hi Wayne,

I'm pretty sure that the WPI didn't send in the comments. It looks liek someone posted info from the WPI site + provided a link to the WPI site. If you look a the comments, at the top left of each it says "by name date time" For the WPI comments, there is no name entered, and the link to WPI is in the text of the comment.


work in progress
N. California
Hi Wayne,

I'm pretty sure that the WPI didn't send in the comments. It looks liek someone posted info from the WPI site + provided a link to the WPI site. If you look a the comments, at the top left of each it says "by name date time" For the WPI comments, there is no name entered, and the link to WPI is in the text of the comment.

Well, whoever did it... it was a smart idea.

I've already sent my comment and hope others will too.


Senior Member
I sent a comment, not visible under the video comments. Sending them a link to a presentation from the WPI where they also talk about the financial political issue surrounding CFS, how they had problems to get the studie accepted just cause of the name CFS in the titel. Thought that could also be something they find interesting to look into. And I entioned that I'm from Switzerland / europe. Shows some international interested for it.
EDIT: And of course I sad thank you. shrewsbury has a good point there. We also need to show gratitude. Doesn't give a good lock if we just slap the bad ones ^^