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Please help me somebody
i am totally alone and severe and depending just on my narcissistic ex partner who shouts at me and rages when i ask for help , and i think i am on my way to die of ME.
i AM in Germany. took a few days trazodone for CPTSD from narcissistic abuse, i couldnt sleep and i had to go to a private psychiater to get medication to sleep , 10 days ago and had to stopp becuase i couldnt urinate
it didnt got better i swolled and i land in the ER and i had an hypovolemic shock when they took blood, when they replaced with IV saline i could finally pee after one week BARELY PEEING ( 100ml ) severe oliguria despite drinking 3 l a day of water and electrolytes.
but after it got better i am again in the same situation in my bed with arryhtmia, so weak i cant breath from weakness my skin is so heated, i cant sweat , i had a seizure, i am too weak to speak, the only person around me is this narcissists who hates me since i got sicker and he has to help, but he barely does it...
i cant take this anymore and i dont know what is going onin my body, severe gastroparesis ?
please help...
What sort of social support is available in Germany? Do you have home care nurses? Is this something your doctor can arrange for you?
no just GP and he said Thursday its impossible if i drink 3 liters i dont pee , and my tummy was very swollen but he said if the legs are not swollen is not possible, he dissmised it all, took blood , refuse to give me saline even if he had huge problems to find my veins because low blood volume, he was irritated " this is not possible you come here telling me you have oliguria and you want saline"
then friday i was in the ER as i said everything normalised after 1 liter saline after an hypovolemic shock after taking blood again but they sent me home as the blood was ok
i am so scared , my tummy is like i was pregnant, it hurts, i still cant pee , i cant drink more or i will explode, my GP doesnt make home visits and i cant go to the ER again as i am stil lin a huge crash after the ER , n friday.
so i guess i am ghoing to die here , if nobody helps and i guess nobody is going to do anything
maybe trazodone fucked my system forever
i guess people with our illness and lonely die like this.
my GP doesnt do house visits and refuses also to administrate saline (even if i buy it and he just has to put it ) because he says i can drink and its the same , no it isnt but who cares. they are murders.


Que sera sera
It makes me so sad.
I’m so sorry. I’m getting ready to possibly attempt to go back into ER. I’m having some awful things happening including seizures and very low pee output since my system was crashed with fast saline bags and an antibiotic last few months. I have home health care and I feel they don’t care. I feel they are leaving me to d. Too.

And I completely understand. Triggered people around me as well that I am so severe lately.

It’s so much. I’m scared to keep begging for help. We have so little energy. Please keep trying though. I think I’m going to try again tonight. 🙏


Que sera sera
Can you try to get assistance with the seizure with them? I think that’s what I’m going to try to do since my pcp says to just wait till I see neurologist in October 🙄👏


Senior Member
Northern California
I am so scared , my tummy is like i was pregnant, it hurts, i still cant pee , i cant drink more or i will explode,

First, I am so sorry that this is happening to you.

Second, I do hope you have access to paramedics who can come to your home. They are the best folks to decide whether or not you need to be transported to an ER.

Last year, I was unable to void my bladder and I had to be catheterized and have the urine drained out of me.


Senior Member
call the Bereitschaftsarzt (md which comes home in germany) he will come home to you and check this.
and you might(should) need to do a checkup in a hospital. this is something you really need to have medically checked.

afterwards i would strongly suggest to have a longer stay in a psychiatric clinic for 6+ weeks.
i dont suggest you are a nut case but in general partners of abuse are more often in psychiatric clinics because the stress they endure, and usually this change of scenery helps them. also you get help by personal which listens and also other exchange with other patients.

regarding the pee issue, it can be anything.
kidney can maybe not do its jobs, could also be due to your medication. your doctor should hopefully know more.
medical blood tests for kidney are GFR (glomular filtration rate) and albumin and others. there are urine test stripes for protein in urine which is also a marker. if your doctor didnt do those, go to another doctor.

is your bladder full? are your pipes from bladder to genitals obstructed? can the water physically flow?
this can be a muscle disorder, also be caused by medications. (and also relieved in some cases by certain medications).
some psychiatrist will tell you that you might be under such psychological stress with your partner that your muscles cramp and dont release - i wouldnt go with any psychosomatic explanation until everything has been checked.

after you did check everything with your clinic and doctors and they cannot find anything serious. and the doctors need to have done specific blood tests to determine this. if they do not do blood tests and urine tests and imaging of your areas down below, they did put you in the psychosomatic camp. you need to get another doctor then until somebody does the tests.
demand your data. (verlang nach deiner krankenakte mit allen handschriften und komplett, jeder arzt und jede klinik muss dir ohne wieder worte und zeitnah auf verlangen deine akte mit geben. das ist dein recht gesetzlich)
you can then upload and let community analyse.

your pee amount is determined by your electrolytes as well, and also some hormones.
usually salt and sugar cause a retention of water, and potassium does a release.
does your electrolyte drink contain potassium? i suppose not, add potassium then.
if you did too much electrolytes, usually people mean salt water. you might have done the opposite, as sodium hold onto water and you add just more of that.
verla kalium purcaps can be delivered to your home by your next apotheke, call them, they will do it. open a capsule into a glas of water and drink.

BUT its important to have checked kidneys first. potassium can be potentially lethal if kidneys not work, as are other things like magnesium, calcium etc.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
call the Bereitschaftsarzt (md which comes home in germany) he will come home to you and check this.
and you might(should) need to do a checkup in a hospital. this is something you really need to have medically checked.

afterwards i would strongly suggest to have a longer stay in a psychiatric clinic for 6+ weeks.
i dont suggest you are a nut case but in general partners of abuse are more often in psychiatric clinics because the stress they endure, and usually this change of scenery helps them. also you get help by personal which listens and also other exchange with other patients.

regarding the pee issue, it can be anything.
kidney can maybe not do its jobs, could also be due to your medication. your doctor should hopefully know more.
medical blood tests for kidney are GFR (glomular filtration rate) and albumin and others. there are urine test stripes for protein in urine which is also a marker. if your doctor didnt do those, go to another doctor.

is your bladder full? are your pipes from bladder to genitals obstructed? can the water physically flow?
this can be a muscle disorder, also be caused by medications. (and also relieved in some cases by certain medications).
some psychiatrist will tell you that you might be under such psychological stress with your partner that your muscles cramp and dont release - i wouldnt go with any psychosomatic explanation until everything has been checked.

after you did check everything with your clinic and doctors and they cannot find anything serious. and the doctors need to have done specific blood tests to determine this. if they do not do blood tests and urine tests and imaging of your areas down below, they did put you in the psychosomatic camp. you need to get another doctor then until somebody does the tests.
demand your data. (verlang nach deiner krankenakte mit allen handschriften und komplett, jeder arzt und jede klinik muss dir ohne wieder worte und zeitnah auf verlangen deine akte mit geben. das ist dein recht gesetzlich)
you can then upload and let community analyse.

your pee amount is determined by your electrolytes as well, and also some hormones.
usually salt and sugar cause a retention of water, and potassium does a release.
does your electrolyte drink contain potassium? i suppose not, add potassium then.
if you did too much electrolytes, usually people mean salt water. you might have done the opposite, as sodium hold onto water and you add just more of that.
verla kalium purcaps can be delivered to your home by your next apotheke, call them, they will do it. open a capsule into a glas of water and drink.

BUT its important to have checked kidneys first. potassium can be potentially lethal if kidneys not work, as are other things like magnesium, calcium etc.
I agree with with this. You do need urgent medical care IMO. You should have your kidney function checked as a priority. Inflammation can be very damaging to the kidneys especially when antioxidants are low. The OP also needs a Blood Pressure check to see what the readings are.

DO NOT HESITATE. Get some help immediately!


Senior Member
United Kingdom
The nutrients to raise Glutathione ie NAC, Glycine and maybe some Glutamine - enough to balance the GABA from Glycine. I have very recently been adding a little more TMG which seems to be helping to balance GABA from Glycine. Glutamate is the neurotransmitter that is meant to balance GABA hence the reason I used Glutamine. I did read some reports of it causing liver problems in some people which is why I have been backing off it a bit.

Natural antioxidants can raise the blood antioxidant profile.
The following increase Catalase levels which can help prevent grey hair and protects cells from cellular damage caused by reactive oxygen species.

Ceylon Cinnamon - I have been taking this for quite a long time.
Ginger - It's been a long time since I took Ginger
Rhodiola - I don't really use this.
Astragalus - this can increase immune system function and therefore I would advise caution if you use this. I have been using it with Dang Gui which seems to work well for me but I do also have Lyme disease. Stephen Harrod Buhner did also advise caution when using it in Lyme when autoimmunity is present. Dang Gui does seem to have some autoimmune protecting properties.
Dan Shen - I have use this and need to get back onto it for it's circulatory protecting effects.
Resveratrol upregulates Mn-SOD (Manganese) & Catalase

SOD1 in the cytoplasm: copper and zinc (Cu-Zn-SOD).
SOD2 in the mitochondria: manganese is found in the liver but not in erythrocytes. Free radicals in the mitochondria are by products of oxidative phosphorylation, which produces energy.
SOD3 extracellular: copper and zinc (Cu-Zn-SOD).

I have read in surgery that one of the symptoms of sepsis can be inability to urinate. There are other signs which might be worth checking out. Severe immune system disruption and high levels of inflammation with low levels of naturally available antioxidants can make sepsis more likely IMO.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
After re-reading the symptoms, it looks like it could be sepsis because many of the reported symptoms do match those of sepsis. You really need to find help if that is the case.

Don't delay go and see a Doctor, even A&E (ER). Ask whether you could have sepsis. It can be fatal if not treated and it can cause serious problems the longer it is left untreated.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I am NOT a doctor but it does look a lot like it could be septic shock to me because those symptoms are very common in serious medical conditions such as that.

@Luxintenebrislucet You do need to call an ambulance or if you can then return to the ER and get urgent medical care. I hope this message is not too late. I understand that treatment for septic shock is saline IV it helps to restore a better blood pressure. Sepsis can damage the kidneys. The kidneys are most at risk from inflammation and can fail the longer the sepsis goes on.

Those symptoms are signs of septic shock, heart arrhythmia, breathing difficulties, the seizures, a temperature (heat) and inability to urinate. There will be also be low blood pressure. You need urgent medical care. Ask them "Could I have sepsis?". That should prompt them to do their jobs properly and do further tests.
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vision blue

Senior Member
Doesnt matter if the ER crashes you. Beats being dead. Not being able to urinate is a medical emergency regardless of cause. Sometimee several ER visits are needed. Guess they didnt offer answers last time? If u have yoyr labs, you can post the numbers here

vision blue

Senior Member
Ps your legs would not have to be swollen unless you are standing up. If you spend most time in bed , that could explain water retention without swollen legs or ankles. Docs oddly forget its gravity at pllay Or assume all payients upright a lot