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Please help decipher my 23andMe results

Hello all,

I have a decent (not great) grasp on this methylation stuff, but am still on the up-and-down roller coaster and would like some insight from this great resource(people and forum)...

I am currently taking:
tmg(bulk powder)
sublingual methylcobalamin(source naturals)
potassium(bulk powder)
Vit. C (solaray)
Yucca root
Converted B complex (Douglas Labs)
--Also was prescribed Testosterone cream(which include progesterone, I believe). And did have low cortisol(neither has been checked recently)...

As mentioned, I'm up and down(probably at about a 7 out of 10 right now) and would like help to increase consistency... Also cannot find much info on my detox panel genetics.
--P.S. I'm not a frequent poster, so if this post doesn't come through correctly, I'll redo it...

thanks to all for all I've learned already!


Methylation: Detox:
methylation 1.PNG methylation 2.PNG Detox 1.PNG Detox 2.PNG Detox 3.PNG


Senior Member
Yasko suggests first working on GABA/glutamate balance if you have stress/anxiety/wired feelings going on.

The next thing is working on the gut, especially if you have obvious gut symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, reflux, etc., allergies and immune problems such as infections. You would do stool testing and then a 4R gut rebuilding program.

Then getting into SNPs. You have one First Priority mutation, which is CBS C699T. If you have trouble with sulfur foods, supps or meds, or have a stress/anxiety reaction or head pressure when starting methyl supps, CBS might be expressed. You can verify with urine sulfate strips. If the sulfate is consistently high, not rising and falling over several days, that would be another clue. You also have a bunch of BHMT mutations, so that could add to CBS being an issue.

So if it's expressed you'll need to do a CBS protocol for a couple months before retrying methyl supps. The Heartfixer page has good protocol that I've used successfully except for I did the Free Thiol diet which is less restrictive, and no Yasko RNA supps.

Then you have two mutations for MTHFR, so some methylfolate and folinic acid for that. Note that some people have trouble with folinic.

You have a couple MTRRs, which is B12 recycling so some B12 for that. Your COMT/VDR status is leaning towards the touchy side, so Yasko suggests hydroxycobalamin and adenosylcobalamin for that. Note some people have trouble with hydroxycobalamin so in that case substitute methylcoblamin. If you take too much B12, or the wrong form, you could get too many methyl groups and get mood swings.

For the BHMTs, which is the secondary shortcut pathway, some lecithin, which should convert to TMG.

You have a double mutation on VDR Bsm, which is the Vitamin D Receptor. Get your Vit D levels checked and supplement if that is low.

AHCY is supposed to clear as you work generally on the methylation cycle. Nothing specific is needed for it.

On the detox SNPs, CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 mean estrogen dominance, so susceptibility to estrogen related cancers, breast, prostate, etc. You can eat cruciferous veggies or take calcium deglucarate (avoiding DIM and IC3 because of CBS and COMT).

CYP2D6, CYP2E1 - problems breaking down some medicines

GST - affects glutathione, so you'll need more of that than usual (increased by doing a methylation protocol, not necessarily direct supplementation

SOD2 affects the mitochondria. So supps like Biotec Extra Energy Enzymes or GlioSODin could help. However, I'm confused on how Genetic Genie reports this because it's the opposite of Genova Detoxigenomics. Been meaning to check on that, as I have that same SOD2 +/+ mutation.

The NATs detox smoke and other stuff, so stay away from smoke.

In general, for the detox SNPs Genova says to eat your fruits and veggies and stay away from toxins.

I have links to all the stuff I talked about in my signature.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
I am currently taking:
tmg(bulk powder)
sublingual methylcobalamin(source naturals)

What you are taking seems to address your basic SNPs -
metafolin for the C677T
tmg for the BHMT 08
sublingual methylcobalamin for the MTRRs, mostly the A66G

The metafolin is most effective on an empty stomach and well away from the Vitamin C. If you're not doing that, you might try separating them. Also, I got better results when I spaced out the metafolin and methylcobalamin through the day.

I'm sure you have your reasons for taking:
potassium(bulk powder)
Vit. C (solaray)
Yucca root
Converted B complex (Douglas Labs)
--Also was prescribed Testosterone cream(which include progesterone, I believe). And did have low cortisol(neither has been checked recently)...
but I would get tested if possible to be sure you are not getting too much of any of them.

The one thing that bothers me most is that you did have low cortisol and you're taking postassium. Low cortisol may be a sign of adrenal insufficiency (AI). AI can be primary or secondary, and hyperkalemia (too much potassium) is often one of the more dangerous aspects of primary AI. And AI is often undiagnosed, even by endocrinologists who do the ACTH stimulation (challenge) test (or at least by mine).

As a result of the low cortisol, did you have an ACTH stim test? You might bring your low cortisol results to your next appointment and ask if that would be appropriate. There are a couple of good articles about how to read the test results that I can share if you go that route.

I don't really know what 7 out of 10 means for you. If it's energy (and not other symptoms) you might consider mitochondrial support.

(BTW, I disagree with Yasko about needing to treat the CBS. There's a thread on here about what the research really says and you can read it for yourself. Some people have sulfur problems, true, but not from CBS. Maybe from SUOX? Either test strips or a low sulfur diet will clear up any confusion about whether it's an issue for you.)

Best of luck!
I've done a fair bit of research(still don't know a lot about this though), but I knew some on this forum would be able to easily say, "This means this--- that means that"... So, thank you for your intelligent/detailed posts!

I'm more of a lurker/researcher, so I don't post very often- there fore I may not know how to add your quote to reply to it.
I don't really know what 7 out of 10 means for you. If it's energy (and not other symptoms) you might consider mitochondrial support.Basically, In the last couple years, I've found some supplements that helped greatly(energy, brain fog, memory, motivation, getting out of bed in the morning... etc...) for a few weeks or a month or two. But then also crashed and then scrambled to figure out why(learning about potassium deficiency, learning that some supplements keep me from sleeping properly, etc...).

But, basically instead of my past swings of (mostly energy issues) from a scale of 3 to 6... I'm probably swinging from 7 to 10. I'm getting there, just not 100% there yet. I knew asking you guys would help me learn more and hopefully improve this even more...
But, I'm also dealing with sleep apnea and a job that is killing my soul- so there are more than a couple things to get "fixed". Not complaining- I know there a lots of people who have a harder battle than I. I'm just explaining that I know a have multiple things to get taken care of(and am working on those...).

Thanks for all your help!



Senior Member
Arizona, USA
But, basically instead of my past swings of (mostly energy issues) from a scale of 3 to 6... I'm probably swinging from 7 to 10. I'm getting there, just not 100% there yet. I knew asking you guys would help me learn more and hopefully improve this even more...

When I had low energy in response to my supplements, I added the following:
500 mg L-carnitine fumarate, 3x/day
5 g ribose, 2x/day
20 mg (started with 5 mg and worked up) sublingual NADH
200 mg Ubiquinol (Co-Q10)

It totally helped me - don't know what you tried, but just wanted to offer.

I know what you mean about having other things to work on. Best wishes for a life-giving job and an effective remedy for the sleep apnea.

Oh, to do the quotes, hit 'reply' and then just cut out the stuff you don't want. If you need more than one quote, cut and paste the "[*quote] and [*/quote]" , minus the *s, to start and stop it. Wonder if that will show up as a quote, or if it will work!
The metafolin is most effective on an empty stomach and well away from the Vitamin C.

Sorry if this might be a bit off topic but I was wondering if you had any sources for this claim, Critterina? Specifically the metafolin on an empty stomach part. I've seen the very same advice repeated and followed it myself for many months. About two weeks ago I went back to always taking metafolin with food. The most obvious change was in remembering dreams after waking up, which used to happen rarely but started happening consistently every morning. I am not completely sure this is positive. Conventional wisdom (?) says that remembering dreams equals disturbed sleep, while Fredd has implied that remembering dreams after taking metafolin were a sign of things working.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Sorry if this might be a bit off topic but I was wondering if you had any sources for this claim, Critterina? Specifically the metafolin on an empty stomach part. I've seen the very same advice repeated and followed it myself for many months. About two weeks ago I went back to always taking metafolin with food. The most obvious change was in remembering dreams after waking up, which used to happen rarely but started happening consistently every morning. I am not completely sure this is positive. Conventional wisdom (?) says that remembering dreams equals disturbed sleep, while Fredd has implied that remembering dreams after taking metafolin were a sign of things working.
Hi @mabelark ,

I don't have a source document. I don't remember whether my NP directed me to do so, or whether I read it in the forums. The reason I accepted it was because my symptoms are reduced (acne near mouth and on scalp), so I thought that I was getting more out of what I took (same dose, same brand).

I had not been having/remembering dreams since I started on a protocol in February. I added 500 mg GABA to my protocol, and then my NP said to take it sublingually, so I started dumping the capsule contents under my tongue. In a day or so, I started dreaming again. I experimented with 2 x 500 mg one time and had very lucid dreams, so much so that I didn't do that again for quite a while.

My protocol included BCAAs, which have glutamine. In my serum AA, the glutamine/glutamic acid ratio was hight and I thought the GABA would help even out the ratio. Perhaps this is what influences dreaming, and that methylation in general influences the balance? I'm speculating based on my anecdotal experience, but it would be interesting to hear other's stories - maybe in a thread specific to the topic.

Just an update- and another thank you.
I'm feeling much better energy-wise(actually bright eyed and bushy tailed BEFORE the alarm goes off in the morning(first time in my life that has happened- and has been this way for several weeks).

Even as I posted my above question, i found my "journal" of my collection of supplements i wrote down when things were good. I started taking IC3 again(didn't have problems before or now- although I know it can cause problems for my SNPs). Felt better within a couple days.
-started taking folinic acid(didn't think i needed to with Methylfolate). Wow- this improves upon what I already had!

Anyway--- posting so others can read... And, once again, thanks for taking the time to help.
