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Plastic particles found in the human bloodstream


Senior Member

Yup, microplastic particles found in human's blood too.

"Studies have demonstrated plastic particles can have toxic effects on cells and alter their shape. Mouse studies also suggest they might infiltrate the blood brain barrier"

I'm not saying that this is the cause of ME, but it did make me think: could the reported 'outbreaks' of ME be due to some event that released a lot of microparticles (artificial polymers or natural ones) in a way that would infiltrate humans in that area, in a way that would create a rapid response? I think it's unlikely, but still something to think about when researchers decide to 'think out of the box'.

If ME was due to microplastics entering our bodies, I expect the rate of ME would have started rising rapidly at some point, so statistical analysis should be able to rule out that possibility.


Senior Member
So someone else posted this huh... yeah I saw this, right up my alley. I actually don't love being correct about the eco health apocalypse. Like i am not a smug person or a born pessimist. But I'm getting sick from environmental toxins and I see so many around me struck doen in their prime from similar stuff. And microplastics and nanoparticles are being inhaled and ingested, and they combine with the outdoor microbiome and molds in bizarre and dangerous ways ... everything I've learned makes me think we would need to overhaul our whole civilization, not just a bit of solar panels or something, but deep rewilding and degrowth, to stop making people sick with chronic diseases


Senior Member
I'm not saying that this is the cause of ME, but it did make me think: could the reported 'outbreaks' of ME be due to some event that released a lot of microparticles (artificial polymers or natural ones) in a way that would infiltrate humans in that area, in a way that would create a rapid response? I think it's unlikely, but still something to think about when researchers decide to 'think out of the box'.
You're aware that the idea of nanoparticled from cloud seeding , combining with mold and cyanobacteria, had been proposed as a cause for the lake Tahoe outbreak ?

Maybe microplastics aren't the cause of me/cfs, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are another risk factor or partial cause leading to an endpoint of Ill health, perhaps overload from multiple toxins etc. Microplastics are probably newer as a widespread thing thsn the nanoparticles erik and I have talked about.

I think we need way bigger geographical and temporal epidemiological studies to really rule in or out most environmental causes. But I think we can all agree this is not a great thing, regardless of if it's the cause of me/cfs


Senior Member
Then the rumors that the molds, for instance, can play with the nanoparticles. They can get creative!
It started as a rumor, or theory, but I've posted a pnas article in another thread that definitively shows that molds do this in vitro and in the outdoor actual environment outside of the lab, and even furthermore that it affects how pathogenic those molds are to mice. So it's Def more than just a wild theory now.


Senior Member
You're aware that the idea of nanoparticled from cloud seeding , combining with mold and cyanobacteria, had been proposed as a cause for the lake Tahoe outbreak ?

No, I wasn't, but I'm glad that someone else, actually in that area of science, has proposed it. It is a possibility for localized outbreaks of some mysterious illness. Hard to verify it if you don't even look for the possibility.


Senior Member
I was thinking more about this. There are quite a few natural polymers, such as cellulose and tree resins and wool. It seems reasonable that these break down into micro and nano sized particles, which should enter the body the same way that synthetic plastics do. Have our bodies evolved mechanisms for degrading these natural micro and nano polymers, and the difference is that we haven't evolved to handle the synthetic ones? I wonder whether the studies that found these particles in our blood bothered to look for natural ones. "Natural" does not mean guaranteed safe and healthy.