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Certainly it could miss it, but I don't think it's likely to dismiss it. Lipkin strikes me as too smart to say, 'we didn't find anything therefore there isn't a problem'.
Actually, in the video he suggests one possibility is that CFS is caused by an uncommon reaction to a common virus; he seems open to a lot of possibilities. And techniques like deep sequencing are much better for proving there is a pathogen link (positive result) than proving there is none (a negative result is far from conclusive). I'll stop waffling now.
An uncommon reaction to a common infection is a very sound theory(as well as a retrovirus) as the most common immune abnormality is nk dysfunction which would give us these unusual reactions to common infections and i think would then put us in a category of immunodefiency disorder. This could be a primary immune disorder or secondary to a retrovirus i guess. The Japenese have called cfs a nk disorder for along time now. From my own research , it seems very hard to increase nk activity consistently and as has been said before its going to take a combo of improve the immune system.nk function and treating the current infections going on. I think once these viral/infectious loads are down, they can be kept down through maintaining the immune system in some way. Its all interesting stuff going on, just not happening quickly enough.