#MEAction on FB said:We've added a new way to join the #MillionsMissing protest for ME and CFS, virtually.
On May 25th, take a pair of shoes (or several) and put them on your doorstep, lawn, or driveway. Take a photo and post it on social media with the hashtag, #MillionsMissing. Anyone can participate, whether you are a patient or an ally expressing solidarity.
You might pair the shoes with a sign that expresses what the empty shoes mean to you. Some examples: “I cannot walk to the end of my driveway” or “My brother should be here.”
Imagine if thousands of homes around the world put out their shoes in solidarity with the protestors in the streets.
You do not need to be a home with a #pwme. Anyone, anywhere who wants to support our cause can participate!
See all the ways to protest virtually: