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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Phoenix Rising CFSAC Live Commentary


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
We are hoping to provide "CoverItLive" live commentary and analysis on the CFSAC meeting next week, and I'm looking for forum members to help out with the coverage.

Members who wish to take part will get a login to the CoverItLive control panel and will be able to submit comments, quotes, analysis for the editor(s) (probably me) to add into the live feed. We'll also have a private chat window to discuss the coverage behind the scenes, and other members who are not logged in will also be able to submit further comments for us to add to the feed.

If we can get a reasonably sized team, there should be no need for any of us to necessarily view the whole event; you can all just submit your comments while you're watching/listening to CFSAC, so all contributions, however small, will be welcome.

I'd encourage anyone who's going to be listening in on CFSAC to take part: if you're listening or watching anyway, it will be good fun to watch as a group, and making your own notes in a more public way shouldn't take too much extra effort - and a reasonably-sized group of us can put together a great commentary on the meeting.

If you're interested in taking part, please reply to this thread, or contact me via Conversation.


I would like to help. I was trying to figure out where the link to the live feed was, I did not see it posted in cfsac site.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Great news, so we have a team of 4 so far. I'll be in touch soon to set up your CoverItLive accounts.

The live feed will be at

There doesn't seem to be any pre-registration required to view the feed, and that hasn't been necessary in the past, but we do need to make sure we have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. There's a link on that page to get the latest Flash Player, and there's a presentation on youth homelessness on Tuesday which we can use to test to make sure that the video feed is working for us all.


Mark, we will try to provide here some live info during the meeting once again, as we have done in the past. I think this is fabulous. In collaboration with Speak Up About ME and others, Denise is gathering a list of everyone's testimony during public input. We will share the list here too so folks can make sure they listen to the what their fellow advocate colleagues are doing on behalf of our community of suffering.

K2 for Hope

ALways Hoping
Jacksonville, FL 32258
PANDORA (Marly) posted the Agenda on the ME/CFS Fundraising Facebook page.

If you go to the website Mark posted and go to "Meetings" on the left, it will take you to the Agenda page. It is posted at the top of the list of meetings under Agenda in HTML. It will give you an idea of what, who and when.


Mark, I will be available during the public comment/testimony times and especially on Thursday, June 14th at 1:15 pm for the ME/CFS Organizations speaking times.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
If anybody is tweeting the conference, or if anybody knows of anybody who will be tweeting, please let us know the twitter account names and we can include those tweets in our feed.