Petition: Opposing MEGA

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
@Dx Revision Watch Wow! I'm shocked to hear how much bullshit they are putting children through in the UK.

I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with that level of bullshit when I was first ill as a teenager.

We were well informed and assertive, had a supportive school and EWO and very helpful paediatrician's senior registrar who brokered three years' provision of home tuition plus a further year, post 16, for an additional exam subject. But with a different set of key case workers it could easily have gone the other way. Nevertheless, it was a considerable relief when our son reached the age of 17, was no longer in the education system and transitioned from children's to adult medical services.


Senior Member


Senior Member
We were well informed and assertive, had a supportive school and EWO and very helpful paediatrician's senior registrar who brokered three years' provision of home tuition plus a further year, post 16, for an additional exam subject. But with a different set of key case workers it could easily have gone the other way. Nevertheless, it was a considerable relief when our son reached the age of 17, was no longer in the education system and transitioned from children's to adult medical services.

We were told by the local council that they didn't offer the minimum legal level of home education. But my child wasn't even up to the level that they did offer. They also refused to offer education at a time which has suitable to my child. They then agreed to offer on-line education but refused when it came to actually doing it. Social services wouldn't do anything about the council operating illegally.


Senior Member

advertised alongside an app for pig welfare


Jo Best

Senior Member
He is obviously refusing to engage with the issues.

This is why the Opposing MEGA petition has an uncompromising message of 'no confidence' in MEGA full stop.

However, I think the letters being sent to all the MEGA researchers is a very good thing and hopefully some of them will have the sense and decency to see what they may be getting involved with and get out while they can.


Senior Member
I'd like @charles shepherd to comment on whether he thinks Prof Holgate fairly and fully addressed the issues raised, or whether his response exhibited the same bias and selectivity that has crippled UK ME thought for decades.

@charles shepherd,

I'm asking because, a huge number of remarkably talented M.E patient advocates just signed a very clear vote of no confidence in Professor Esther Crawley. I've had a closer look at it and, well, wow: Look at all this!

"Unfortunately we have no confidence in any study involving Professor Crawley and certainly not one in which she is involved in this all-important role. [cohort selection]
"Professor Crawley seems unable to distinguish between M.E. and generic fatigue."
"Prof Crawley effectively selected children with generic fatigue yet called it CFS/ME"
"Professor Crawley is recruiting a group of patients with generic fatigue yet calling it CFS/ME."
"Professor Crawley further confusing the picture by selecting new definitions willy nilly for no obvious reason."
"she continues to defend the now discredited PACE trial"
"She continually refers to the Dutch FITNET trial having a 63% success rate even though its long term follow up showed no difference between the FITNET and control arms of the study;"
"Even more astounding is her continued defence of the PACE trial itself"
"yet Professor Crawley’s judgement seems to have been that one size of goal is as good as another."
"Perhaps most alarming is Professor Crawley’s intention to proceed with the Magenta Trial effectively a PACE trial for children, in spite of the debunking of PACE and the evidence from patients of severe and sometimes permanent deterioration as a result of GET."

And yet somehow Professor Holgate's response included this:

"As you will have noted I have brought the very best scientists from across the UK to assemble this application."

We cant seem to get through to PDW, the Lancet is currently going against the wishes of 12,000 of us, the CMRC is unable to say whether it supports the biggest bit of UK CFS research to date and Professor Esther Crawley appears to be going FULL STEAM AHEAD at a time that demands caution at the very least. After FITNET, MEGA and his response today, I do not think people with M.E can get through to Professor Holgate.

I want to know whether you are still with us Charles. I'm asking, quite simply, whether you think Professor Holgate responded adequately when 200+ M.E advocates told him very, very, clearly that they had no confidence in Professor Crawley?



Senior Member
Charles Shepherd is on holiday. He didn't say how long for.

Just a break from the ME internet village.

Having spent a considerable amount of time on this forum over the past week or so I am shortly going to take a few days break complete from non MEA social media because I really must catch up on a number of other important duties



The wise nematode hibernates
We all recognise the concerns that are held about the MEGA Project and value your input.

Nice to see that he has managed to move on from "baffled" in such a short space of time.

Involvement of people with M.E. at the core of MEGA will be essential through an Advisory Group of people with M.E. and their carers.

Talking the (vague) talk, but nowhere near walking the walk. At the moment it waddles like a duck.

We need everyone’s support to help with this otherwise it will fail at the first hurdle.

Any ME research project that doesn't firmly slam the door in the faces of BPS proponents deserves to fail at the first hurdle.


The wise nematode hibernates

advertised alongside an app for pig welfare

I'm normally well up for this kind of thing, but seeing where it's come from, I can't help wondering whether it's just a spy in the pocket collecting data that can be used against ME sufferers later. For example:


What's this button doing there? Where is the report being emailed to, and why?

I'd also be interested to know whether the app has a target setting function, which I would find very concerning.


Senior Member
West Country pigs need to watch out. Given the exponential prevalence rates in the Bristol area, I predict by this time next year, 96% of 11-17 year olds and 73% of pigs will have been diagnosed with CFS.

About a hundred of them have just this afternoon been moved into the field beside me. I will watch them for signs of 'tiredness' and get on the phone to Esther if I spot one looking a tad under the weather.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
About a hundred of them have just this afternoon been moved into the field beside me. I will watch them for signs of 'tiredness' and get on the phone to Esther if I spot one looking a tad under the weather.

Well there you are; already rounding them up for assessment for eligibility for ̶F̶I̶T̶N̶E̶T̶-̶N̶H̶S̶ QWIKFIX-NHS.
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