It was obvious to me from the inception of the CMRC that there would be problems in the future. Prof. Holgate's email to Simon Wessely and his subsequent response calling for 'a sprinkling of psychologists' was telling. My own personal experience of finding it almost impossible to join, then membership meaning nothing tangible per se, showed me that the CMRC was not an inclusive tent at all. - its a bit like 'more of the same, with a new hat'.
MEGA is promoted without details of what it will actually involve - I would argue it should be designed and then there should be a consultation process and then the CMRC should come to the patient community to seek support. - however given Esther Crawley's recent statements and trials on kids with CFS (eg the Lightening Process and FITNET) I dont think she is the right person to head up any large biomedical study of ME/CFS.
I agree with Prof. Edwards, the closeness of the CMRC to the MRC may blur a line in conflict of interest - the CMRC has direct access to the MRC - I have no problem with promoting science, but I have a problem with Prof. Holgate and Esther Crawley asking us all to support them as funds are awarded to Esther Crawley in Bristol. She has had more than £3.5 million in funding - I know of two other established researchers who applied to the MRC for funding to do biomedical studies and they were turned down - they didnt have the CMRC behind them and access to the MRC.
I want scarce research funds to be allocated fairly - what is fair in assisting Esther Crawley to get a £5 million pound MEGA trial. Dont forget she calls PACE "a great great trial", she has previously said some parents sustain illness beliefs in children with CFS and she seems to know very little about the pathophysiology of the illness - she believes re-setting sleep patterns resets the HPA axis and brings about recovery - this seems to be the level of her biomedical knowledge, simplistic, basic, narrow, lacking in wider insight or more advanced scientific knowledge. She is not qualified to lead MEGA in my opinion and is tarnished by her disasterous statements in the media about the illness -- if MEGA is to go ahead, someone new, an expert, with no history of patient acrimony, needs to take charge. Then we need to go through the process I described above and in the interests of fairness Prof. Holgate needs to start supporting all UK ME/CFS researchers, not just those people Simon Wessely points him towards.
I have found it much easier to make links with ME/CFS researchers in the US, I have found US researchers much more open and generous with time and assistance. I was offered an NIH grant to attend the recent IACFS/ME conference in Florida, but unfortunately I was unable to attend and recently I have become an editorial board member of the Journal of Fatigue, Biomedicine, Health and Behaviour.
It is very telling that Dr Nacul at the London School of Hygiene had to go to the US to get an award to fund his virus study, is Prof. Holgate and the CMRC working for people like Dr Nacul or me, to help us get funding? The fairness soon evaporates when you look at these examples. I have submitted my first grant applciation to the US and I co-wrote a second application to the US - this situation exemplifies everything that is wrong with the UK ME/CFS research environment and the CMRC.
Big doesnt mean better - the PACE trial was the biggest ever RCT in ME/CFS - we all know how that turned out. Lets not waste another £5 million.