Are you implying that people with ME who communicate with each other are living in an echo chamber?
There is an element of people on ME/CFS internet discussion forums preaching to the converted, especially when it comes to a topic like this where some people have very strong and fixed viewpoints
For example, almost all of the traffic on PR is against the MEGA study and the CMRC
But to what extent this reflects wider public opinion is uncertain
At the MEA we receive a huge amount of feedback from both members and non members on the phone, by email to ME Connect, on social media etc
But the number of calls and emails that we have had over the past few weeks regarding MEGA has been very small indeed
What concerns our members is practical management, getting a diagnosis, DWP benefit disputes, lack of social support
I have written a feature on MEGA for the November issue of our magazine and asked our members to let us know what they think about MEGA - which will obviously help to influence our decision when it comes to deciding whether we are happy to support the protocol that will be used in the research grant application bid for funding
Because at the moment we just don't know what the majority of people feel about MEGA…….
@charles shepherd wrote:
"There is an element of people on ME/CFS internet discussion forums preaching to the converted, especially when it comes to a topic like this where some people have very strong and fixed viewpoints. For example, almost all of the traffic on PR is against the MEGA study and the CMRC"
That was not always the case, was it. Two or three years ago there was much, much, wider support for the CMRC on PR, support which has drained away.
So what has happened to turn so many people off, people who were previously broadly supportive of the CMRC, who saw it as a source of likely research progress and hope?
The sustained nature of these vexatious complaints to my host institution has provoked me to put my story in the public domain, sharing it here on PR with the patient community and patient advocates.
I may suffer even more negative consequences just for writing an account of my experience over the past two years, but I feel I have no choice but to stand up against bullying and harassment. What is ironic, is that the PACE team claim patients have harassed them, yet their claims were not substantiated in the Information Tribunal.
When I spoke with Tony of the MEA a few weeks back, he said the MEA had had hundreds of calls about MEGA. A time when you took a similar stance about there not being many calls.
We regularly hear the BPS school opine that 'our' threatening and abusive behaviour turns off scientists from coming to ME research (a notion duly quashed by the ICO Tribunal judge). It would seem the people whom the scientific community who wish to engage should be most wary of is the BPS school themselves... and here we have evidence to which we can point (we don't have to make up scurrilous nonsense. )
@charles shepherd, I reiterate that I appreciate all your efforts on our behalf. However, as someone who has had ME for 27 years, been a sporadic member of the MEA, am currently a member, and have dipped in and out of the MEA website over the years and recently started joining in on the MEA facebook page, I had no idea of the controversy about PACE, indeed I tried to follow the guidance of the NICE guidelines to gradually increase my activity to my lasting detriment. If the MEGA petition had been posted a year earlier, I would probably have signed it.
You say: 'What concerns our members is practical management, getting a diagnosis, DWP benefit disputes, lack of social support'. Of course that is true. That was true for me until a year ago, though I would add I also wanted to know about and understand the latest research developments.
It was only after the appalling newspaper headlines (ME patients get better with exercise and therapy) last October (2015) that I started digging deeper. I came by chance across Malcolm Hooper's Magical Medicine on the Invest in ME website and spent last December reading it, shocked to the core that what I had read in 2011 (PACE) and thought was merely rather poor quality research had a much more sinister story behind it. I also read Dr Melvin Ramsay's book and many research papers. As a result I pieced together my own version of the story of ME research and treatment over the last 30 years in the UK and wrote my own blog piece about it which I shared with family and friends.
I only came across Phoenix Rising a few months ago, again by chance when someone mentioned it on a facebook group. I joined 3 months ago. As a result I have felt much more supported, been alerted to and read good and bad research papers and gradually formed an opinion about MEGA which I have been prepared to change in the light of unfolding information. I have not come across dogmatic or closed minds in these discussions, though there has been much forthright and strong opinion expressed.
Why am I rambling on about myself, you may well ask. Because, I think the wider ME community deserves a chance to see both sides of the MEGA story, including the shenanigans of the BPS crowd. I'm sorry my papers are a bit of a mess and I'm not sure whether I've received the November ME Essentials yet. I hope the article about MEGA gives the full picture including all the reasons for the very real disquiet felt about the fact that it is to be overseen (as far as we can work out) by a doctor (Crawley) who has a track record of using inappropriate definitions and treatments of CFS/ME and doesn't seem to understand good science.
To be fair to MEA members, a consultation asking for views is only acceptable if all sides of the story are told. Perhaps Jonathan Edwards could be asked to write a piece spelling out his concerns.
I would go further and say the MEA should not be afraid to advertise Phoenix Rising to members and encourage those who are interested to join so more can educate themselves and interact widely with the world wide ME community. I wish I had found it sooner.
So yes, a year ago I probably would have signed MEGA out of ignorance. A month or so ago I signed OMEGA and the more I learn the more sure I am. Holgate's support of FITNET and the harassment of Keith Geraghty are the final straws. Will MEA members be told about these?
Edit - I see you say you are going to ask members their opinion of MEGA to inform MEA action when the protocol is produced. But how can MEA members form an opinion without that protocol? Surely this is the same mistake whoever put up the MEGA petition made - asking for support of something that is yet to be defined.