Dear Charles, (
@charles shepherd )
I do appreciate your attempt to promote useful dialogue here.
I am not sure that I would agree, however, that the correspondence from Stephen Holgate to myself could reasonably be regarded as 'personal communication'. As Richard Simpson has pointed out, if it was indeed intended to a confidential enquiry between one scientist and another about the motivation for the content of a charity website, directed at an advisor to that charity, I am not sure that there is a legitimate reason for such an enquiry being confidential. It is a matter of wider concern. Moreover, although Dr Holgate did thank me for my reply he provided no response to the issues that I raised. There appeared to be nothing personal about the exchange which was entitled 'Scientific Advisory Board of Invest in ME'.
Concern that I expressed in my comments to Dr Holgate is increased by your note that a recent CMRC meeting discussing MEGA was held at the MRC. If MEGA is a project set up by investigators intending to put in a competitive application for funding then it seems to me a breach of protocol for those investigators to make use of MRC facilities. If MEGA is, on the other hand, a project being commissioned by the MRC or other funding bodies then my understanding is that it is a requirement that such commissioning should be
put out to competitive tender, and independently peer reviewed. IiME were not so long ago denied the opportunity to obtain matched funding for a project on the grounds that they did not have a fully transparent competitive tendering system for projects. (As far as I know this has been addressed by IiME since.) I assume that such requirements apply to the MRC or Wellcome.
I am increasingly concerned that MEGA breaches the basic regulations for grant funding in exactly the way that the patient community is concerned about. There may even be legal implications to this. I mentioned to Stephen Holgate that I worried about blurring of distinctions between applicants and funders. I had no response. I am now more concerned.
The enquiry made to me (and I suspect it was only me) by Dr Holgate said nothing about confidentiality and considering the interests of patients expressed here I feel that I am not in a position to keep something confidential when it is has no business to be. I will explore my email records but expect to post the relevant material here in due course.