One final post to thank those who have defended me and to perhaps leave you all something to think about. This computer work is not really not helping so I will be taking a long rest from it.
Thanks to Countrygirl for
@lilpink I interpret 'grapevine chatter' to be a possible euphemism for 'I-have-a-very-good,-reliable-source-with-a proven-track-record-who-has-to-remain-anonymous-but-wants-to alert-you-to-important-information.'
I don't know if I am correct in this case, but I suspect so. We do well to consider such information when it is posted here from a previously-proven reliable poster.
This is very different to rumour-mongering.
It is wise not to throw the baby out with the bath water."
And thanks also to Jo Best for
"Oh no, please don't go, I've learned so much from your posts."
I was about to post this before the interruption so here you are –
"Snowdrop said -Is it possible to give NOD a closer look? ie How is data collected what is being said about the data in terms of findings?"
Trish Rymes said in General ME/CFS News " ' How much will MEGA cost? And an alternative proposal
"The MEGA study wants to study 12000 people""
From The group, called the ME/CFS Epidemiology and Genomics Alliance (MEGA), intend to perform a genomics study of at least 10,000 adult and 2,000 child patients with ME/CFS, plus controls.
from the MEGA petition "To do the genetic studies that we want to do, we think we need to recruit at least 10 thousand adults and 2 thousand children. The only way to do this is to recruit patients through NHS clinics throughout England. England is the only place in the world that can collect this large number of patients in a short time frame.
Why pick this number of patients?
Well, this number of patients is almost identical to the number of patients with data already stored in the National Outcomes Database, data from questionnaires that include - HAD, Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire, MOS (SF-36), Visual Analogue pain scale rating, Self-efficacy scale, as well an employment data. So the new data could be compared/conflated with this NOD data set - to perpetuate the BPS model.
From the MEGA petition - "Psychiatry needs to be there to complete the big picture yet it is just one minor aspect. MEGA will always be a Big Data ‘omics study, and will never be a psychiatric study."
Hmm, maybe not because they have their psych data already, at their fingertips, collected from their clinic cohort who may, or may not, actually have ME.
Why spend all this money on the MEGA study?
NB However many millions of £s the MEGA study costs it will be a drop in the ocean compared to the billions in savings to government in excluding ME/CFS from being a legitimate biomedical illness. I would draw your attention to this article by a leading health economist, Martin Knapp at the LSE (and the IoP) who is absolutely central to advising on the governments strategy on limiting care to MUS patients. - Mental health in an age of austerity by Martin Knapp. In it he says -
"Turning to interventions with a more direct effect on public sector expenditure, CBT for people with medically unexplained symptoms in primary care (who account for almost one quarter of all consultations in primary care) has been found to be highly effective. A review of trials concluded that CBT is effective. The result is lower NHS costs (from reduced GP consultations, attendance at A and E and other hospital consultations and reduced prescriptions) as well as lower absence from work. Total savings of £1.75 for every £1 invested were calculated for a comprehensive programme, and
£7.82 for every £1 invested for a targeted programme, with most of the pay-offs accruing to the NHS."
What we are now seeing is a highly effective and specifically targeted programme - spend a few millions on research to disprove biomedical links and reap the rewards in billions of savings by providing CBT instead of real help.
ALSO….. on the subject of hypochondriacs
Simon said - "If there was nothign really wrong with the hypochondriacs (by definition there isn't) then there's no reason why - unlike for mecfs patients - they couldn't increase actiity levels as the CBT/GET programmes aimed for."
Aurator said - "Which leaves us with the many or few genuine ME/CFS patients"
All this talk of ’hypochondriacs’ isn’t really helpful IMO. Is the suggestion that patients with other MUS apart from true ME/CFS are all hypochondriacs and that we are the only ones, the ‘elite’ and the wrongly-discriminated against, because we aren’t? The medical profession actually proclaims (or confesses, depending on which way you look at it) that a quarter of GP consultations result in a MUS diagnosis – are we really to believe that a quarter of patients, 25%, attending their GPs are hypochondriacs or mentally ill? Or that SO many hypochondriacs have SO many multiple appointments to result in this figure? No, it’s complete nonsense and a measure of the arrogance, prejudice (pre-judgement) and discrimination of the medical profession. There are many reasons why patients can have MUS - they may have atypical presentations of common diseases, rare diseases, adverse drug and vaccine reactions (rarely considered), unknown not-yet-properly-elucidated diseases (like our own)….. or they may have several different problems, (Hickam's dictum), muddying the picture rather than a single cause (Occam's razor). To use just one example recently in the news we heard about the GP Dr Lisa Steen who tragically died from a rare form of kidney cancer, her symptoms disregarded as MUS. And not content with discriminating against women wrt MUS (NB they claim that up to 80% of these ‘mentally ill’ MUS patients are women) they’ve now managed to convince Age UK (from their document “hidden in plain sight”) that MUS is a common mental problem in the elderly and that medical professionals need to have this diagnosis at the forefront of their minds! The elderly – those who are almost certainly on multiple prescriptions with multiple interacting medical problems and conditions – will now be cast aside too.
Come on ME community, I know you’re all exhausted, like me, but – WAKE UP and VOTE