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Petition: Appeal to NICE concerning the Guideline Committee for ME/CFS


Senior Member
The influence of the NICE guidelines has an international reach with many other countries either basing their own guidelines on NICE or adopting it wholesale.

GET and CBT are no longer recommended by the NIH in the USA; let's knock down another pillar!


Senior Member
Well in my humble opinion the new Nice guidelines may contain some suprises ie GET and CBT get the boot.
I hope you are right; we are in with a chance of achieving this. However, the arguments against PACE aren't fully accepted yet in the UK and there will be an incentive to retain GET and CBT in some form given the investment in specialist clinics so far, paltry as it is; and the philosophy behind them.

It will also go against the grain for the committee to recommend only symptomatic treatment and robust differential diagnosis. There isn't yet a sufficient evidence base to recommend other treatments in the national guidelines. Offering 'nothing' will go against the grain. It is very possible that CBT and GET will be retained with some sort of advisory note. Not quite getting the boot.

The makeup of the committee is important.

To those who haven't yet, please sign.
Both me and my dad signed but is it still running. Haven't the committee members already been decided? Wish I'd spotted this earlier...