Petechia - tiny red spots - mainly on arms (burst blood vesels)


Senior Member
Petechiae are usually associated with thrombocytopenia (low platelet count). How many of you have low platelet counts? Mine is never dangerously low, but is typically below range (100-130 when normal is 140-400), and that is what I've attributed my petechiae to.
Mine are quite high, 388 million/ml which is near the top of the UK normal range (Uk ranges are renowned for being out of Sync with what the rest of the world thinks is normal)
I asked someone at the NCF whether this Cherry hamangioma like pinprick rash I and others on this thread have is connected to M.E.
They said that it is called "pitikia" and nearly every M.E patient has them. They are from inflammation which is present in this desease.

I can't seem to find many pictures of it on the web except for this one:

which is incredibly severe, nothing like the mild rash I have.
It's from a boy with cancer.
I can't find any other pictures or any wilki info on this at all.

If anyone finds anything let us know.


Senior Member
What is the NCF? I really think these little dots mean something - I can't believe how many of us have them.


Senior Member
Its interesting, i would like to know if anyone reads this thread and does NOT have these.
So far, it seems we all do.
I have them on my torso as well, following closer inspection.

Worryingly my wife does too, and i am secretly wondering if she might have ME, because she is run down all the time and has no energy etc. Starting to remind me of how i was before i got really ill...hopefully i am wrong about that.

I havent really looked into how to treat inflamation in our illness, but i am aware it is a known problem. Does anyone have any experience in measuring and reducing it?


Senior Member
Iit seems they are more common on the arms. Could it be vaccinations. These often contain aluminium which causes inflamasome agitation. Perhaps this inflammation causes the blood vessels to pop or something?
What is the NCF? I really think these little dots mean something - I can't believe how many of us have them.

NCF is National CFIDS Foundation. I belong to them and sometimes contribute tiny amounts for research. They are a ME/CFS group in Massechusetts that primarily does research.
I give the website because sometimes googling it brings up the CFS association of America which is a totally different thing and not very good in my opinion.

I'ed also like to know if there is someone with this illness who does not have this.


Senior Member
Hi All;
I've had what appears to be petechia,(undiagnosed). I also have had some other bleeding issues, particularly purpura, and bleeding gums. I have had great improvement with the Mb12, and particularly the Folate. I find that when I have too much acid in my diet, my bleeding worsens. For instance, if I have too many vinegary foods. I avoid aspirin for this reason.


Senior Member
I don't have them!

I think you deserve a prize of some sort for that....hummmmm, so why dont you have them? Anything abnormal about your ME/CFS? How long have you had it?


Senior Member
I think you deserve a prize of some sort for that....hummmmm, so why dont you have them? Anything abnormal about your ME/CFS? How long have you had it?

I have all the Canadian def symptoms. Had it 30 years with a 12 year remission in the middle. What's my prize then?

Seriously though, I don't think it's clear yet that they are common in people with ME. People may be more likely to read this thread if they have them.


Senior Member
Seriously though, I don't think it's clear yet that they are common in people with ME. People may be more likely to read this thread if they have them.

True of course. Its hardly scientific. I wonder if someone who knows one of the main CFS/ME docs, can ask them if they have noticed it on the majority of patients or not.


Senior Member
I *think* thats mine are slowly disapearing. I could be wrong. Im on Methylation treatment which seems to have got my immune system functioning more normally, so *if* they are disapearing then i think it would be down to that.


Senior Member
Iit seems they are more common on the arms. Could it be vaccinations. These often contain aluminium which causes inflamasome agitation. Perhaps this inflammation causes the blood vessels to pop or something?

Mine only came on when I got very sick with CFS, they never appeared before despite the many vaccinations I"ve unfortunately had.


Senior Member
I developed them just prior to my CFS. I have one friend that did IV EDTA and claimed his went away with that. I had another friend in which used copious amounts of antioxidants, and claims hers stopped and most went away. My own experience has been with antioxidants, and the production of mine stopped. I have some on my chest that have never gone away, but others have resolved. I don't know the best answer, but I thought I would put in three experiences here.



Medical Mafia needs to die via this virus.
Oh yeah, I have these. I assumed it was due to having olive skin.

After EBV-induced CFS kicked in- a few mo. into it- One day woke up & saw several that were not there the night before.... we're talking 7 or 8 quite visible. I filmed 'em on my arms in case I was really losing my mind... asked 2 diff. docs about them, as I had appts. anyway.

1 ignored the Q. entirely (endocrinologist at UIHC) & the other (GP) said, Oh, it's nothing.... end of conver.

It's like Body Snatchers. This illness. Never know who or what I'll be when I open eyes in the.... afternoon. Thanks for the topic.


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
I think another name for them is Cherry Angiomas, run a search on that. I started getting them in the last coulpe years...on my stomach. I found a homeopathic remedy for them but does not seem to be doing much good. Well, it has only been a month and it could take weeks. I am not so sure I will contiune, the bottle is so small and I am on the second one. The spell is alcohol so maybe it is suppose to dry them up. My mother had a few of them. I showed them to a dermatologist and she said they were nothing to worry about. I once read that people with coxsackie virus had them but not sure if that is true.I have also started getting some flat warts on my trunk anyone else? As long as this stuff is not on my arms and face. LOL What next?
Its interesting, i would like to know if anyone reads this thread and does NOT have these.
So far, it seems we all do.
I have them on my torso as well, following closer inspection.

Hi snow! That's because every one in the world have some petechiae, including me, my family, my friends and pretty much everyone that i know. Petechiae is primary associated with trombocytopeny, which is a drastic low of platelets. When you get sick with ebv, cytomegalovirus, chicken pox or any other harmless virus, you will get a trombocytopeny, and the petechiae remain forever. Also, it's pretty common that the platelets level go up and down during the day in healthy persons, so there's nothing to worry about it.

I think that since we are sick we pay way too much attention to any detail in our bodies, things that usually passed unnoticed in healthy people, but they sure have it too.


Medical Mafia needs to die via this virus.
[quote="Sherezade, post: 346606, member: 6617 we pay way too much attention to any detail in our bodies[/quote]

I didn't pay enough attn. to my body. That's how I got in this state. I pushed myself too hard, in every way, over 5 decades. So yes, if we have some new symptom far out of the ordinary for us, it's good judgement to note it & inquire. I- and we all- also have the right to an answer to a question about any symptom manifesting. We pay doctors, not vice versa.

Additionally, considering the fact no entity has found a CAUSE for ME, much less a cure (with very good theories out there, & good results from some trmts), this site helps empower us all with our own "anecdotal" evidence. We're the ones invested in causes and cures. So if someone wants to post about little red spots or strange beings seeming to land on one's rooftop at midnight, I say all power to us.

Because after the egregious medical shove-off the vast majority of we MEers went & still go thru- left in our homes suffering, or on the job barely making it or getting fired, hard-won careers lost (that took decades to build, in my case), then denied the basic safety net of food & shelter (never mind medical care) via SSDI, et al., & the charming now-increased likelihood of a variety of nasty diseases statistically tied to ME onset, and/or the untimely deaths via suicide (just 1 leading ME mortality cause), and after so much more anyone with this could write however long before brain fog takes over & fingers slip off the keys, frankly, I'm surprised I haven't read any whining, hypochondria, or otherwise here.

If my platelets are too low- & they are- & others' are too, it's sound information. We don't know what posts in which forum will trigger focused research on our part that might lead to quality of life again. Today I read someone's words about Sjogrens. They rang the proverbial bell. Maybe a -yeah, proverbial missing link, in my case, or hers, or his, or. The only one in charge of my medical care now is me.

I would not be surprised if one of us actually finds the cause or cure. As noted in posts around the site, an overwhelming majority of doctors- incl., & especially, psychiatrists- have a staggering dearth of education about ME. So it's us- right here- educating ourselves and interested parties about this devastation likened to last stage AIDS. I took care of a man with AIDS to his death. He didn't have to crawl to the bathroom.

I hope the point is well-taken.

Oh, lastly, born with a blood disorder, I wonder if anyone else posting here has one. That, too, is helpful information.

Cheers, from Petechiaeland.


Medical Mafia needs to die via this virus.
Hi All;
I've had what appears to be petechia,(undiagnosed). I also have had some other bleeding issues, particularly purpura, and bleeding gums. I have had great improvement with the Mb12, and particularly the Folate. I find that when I have too much acid in my diet, my bleeding worsens. For instance, if I have too many vinegary foods. I avoid aspirin for this reason.
Good to know. Thank you.


Senior Member
Platelets sound like a plausible cause for most, but for me platelets still dont make sense to me as the cause for this; I've had 9 tests in my lifetime, most stretching over the period where I was getting ME and since (the time that the petechia started occuring) They have always been high 300s, or even higher - at once point they were more than 50 above normal.

The lowest result (309 million/ml) was when I had mono as a teen, and then I had no petechia.