[quote="Sherezade, post: 346606, member: 6617 we pay way too much attention to any detail in our bodies[/quote]
I didn't pay enough attn. to my body. That's how I got in this state. I pushed myself too hard, in every way, over 5 decades. So yes, if we have some new symptom far out of the ordinary for us, it's good judgement to note it & inquire. I- and we all- also have the right to an answer to a question about any symptom manifesting. We pay doctors, not vice versa.
Additionally, considering the fact no entity has found a CAUSE for ME, much less a cure (with very good theories out there, & good results from some trmts), this site helps empower us all with our own "anecdotal" evidence. We're the ones invested in causes and cures. So if someone wants to post about little red spots or strange beings seeming to land on one's rooftop at midnight, I say all power to us.
Because after the egregious medical shove-off the vast majority of we MEers went & still go thru- left in our homes suffering, or on the job barely making it or getting fired, hard-won careers lost (that took decades to build, in my case), then denied the basic safety net of food & shelter (never mind medical care) via SSDI, et al., & the charming now-increased likelihood of a variety of nasty diseases statistically tied to ME onset, and/or the untimely deaths via suicide (just 1 leading ME mortality cause), and after so much more anyone with this could write however long before brain fog takes over & fingers slip off the keys, frankly, I'm surprised I haven't read any whining, hypochondria, or otherwise here.
If my platelets are too low- & they are- & others' are too, it's sound information. We don't know what posts in which forum will trigger focused research on our part that might lead to quality of life again. Today I read someone's words about Sjogrens. They rang the proverbial bell. Maybe a -yeah, proverbial missing link, in my case, or hers, or his, or. The only one in charge of my medical care now is me.
I would not be surprised if one of us actually finds the cause or cure. As noted in posts around the site, an overwhelming majority of doctors- incl., & especially, psychiatrists- have a staggering dearth of education about ME. So it's us- right here- educating ourselves and interested parties about this devastation likened to last stage AIDS. I took care of a man with AIDS to his death. He didn't have to crawl to the bathroom.
I hope the point is well-taken.
Oh, lastly, born with a blood disorder, I wonder if anyone else posting here has one. That, too, is helpful information.
Cheers, from Petechiaeland.