I had dry mouth and eyes too. My doctor called it "sicca syndrome" which is not quite Sjogren's but will still cause cavities, gritty eyes when using the computer, etc.
The best thing I've found is to greatly increase essential fatty acids, via pharmaceutical grade fish oil. I take 12 Grams per day. At one time I was up to as much as 18 Grams per day. At those doses you want pharmaceutical grade so you can be sure it doesn't have mercury in it. Read Barry Sears book The Zone on how to dose the fish oil and how it all works in the body. It also does many other great things, such is alleviate pain, PMS, help mood, etc.
You should also suspect adrenal fatigue and get that tested and treated with the help of a naturopath. (Regular doctors won't have a clue.) I'm still working on this part, because I've had so much trouble tolerating adrenal supplements. In theory, once I get my adrenals working again, I won't need so much fish oil.
My dentist uses something I call the supersonic gum zapper. There's an official name for it, I can never remember. Anyway, it's a very high pitched sonic thing + water they aim at your gums and it kills all the bacteria. They use it every time I go. It helps keep my gums in good shape.