perhaps silly questions about ATP supplementation

London, UK
If this has been asked before, I apologize. I was just wondering if anyone has found simply supplementation with ATP to be beneficial? I know Dr. Ben advocates supporting precursors rather than supplementing directly with whatever is missing, but what if you cannot support the precursors?

Furthermore, is taking ATP detrimental for those with CFS? I'll be honest and say I am so confused by this whole methylation protocol and other things, and as my CFS is rapidly getting worse, I am seeking a short-term (whether or not those even exist) quick fix just while I get my bearings.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.


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australia (brisbane)
i dont know either but i somehow remember it only being useful if injected but also has a short life span, i think thats why many go with creatine and ribose as the body can store them to a certai level and use when required??
good question.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
I don't think it's that black and white as being good or not good for everyone with ME/CFS.

I think it depends on what part of the metabolism is "broken" and whether adenosine is high or low.

I think there may be more than one subset happening here and the only way to know is to try it.
London, UK
Thanks for the replies, guys.

I don't know what the broken parts are, except that they are numerous (I'm awaiting the methylation panel results, probably in about 2 months). I'm not sure about my adenosine levels. I have Dr. Amy Yasko's GetB12, but that's mainly hydroxyb12 with only a little adenosylb12, and due to this silly brain fog I forget if those are even utilazable forms... Dr. Amy says lithium has to be in place before adding any form of b12, but I don't know what my lithium levels are. There is so much else involved with b12 which I'm yet to even begin to contemplate let alone grasp.

Should I try adenosylb12 anyway, or could it do me more harm than good?


Senior Member
USA: Deep South
Hi oh_noes
I for one am skeptical about ATP drops or injections. By what mechanism does the body get it to where it needs to go? We need it INSIDE our cells. I used drops once or twice and ended up with heart palpitations.

Given that some people can get significantly better and have near normal amounts of energy, I have to believe that the machinery for making ATP on the inner mitochondrial membrane is not fundamentally damaged.

I'll be interested in your methylation panel results.


Senior Member
If this has been asked before, I apologize. I was just wondering if anyone has found simply supplementation with ATP to be beneficial? I know Dr. Ben advocates supporting precursors rather than supplementing directly with whatever is missing, but what if you cannot support the precursors?

Furthermore, is taking ATP detrimental for those with CFS? I'll be honest and say I am so confused by this whole methylation protocol and other things, and as my CFS is rapidly getting worse, I am seeking a short-term (whether or not those even exist) quick fix just while I get my bearings.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
You would have to drink a Gallon of ATP to have any impact....I would try Fredd protocol (low dose) with NT factor , coq10 ( ubiquinol ). Avoid supplementing vitamin B6 ( p5p ) until you know your CBS status. I actually heal my mitochondria damage (CFS) with NT factor. If you do get sick on Fredds protocol you could have a COMT problem. Also, think about a digestive enzymes support ( Now super enzymes ).