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Pendulum - A Probiotic Containing Akkermansia Muciniphila


Senior Member
I recently found a probiotic marketed by Pendulum Life which contains Akkermansia muciniphila. This species has a lot of relevance to both IBS and ME/CFS, and I'm not aware of any other probiotics on market that contain it. In addition to A. muciniphila, the probiotic contains a few other interesting strains, and I thought I would bring it to the attention of this forum.


The probiotic is being marketed for glucose control/diabetes, but A. muciniphila has an important role in the gut regardless - a 'healthy' gut flora normally contains 3-5% A. muciniphila. As its name suggest, the species subsists on mucin, a component of gut mucus, but has been shown to positively modulate mucus thickness and gut barrier integrity, presumably due to its production of SCFAs like butyrate. Mice that were supplemented with A. muciniphila show a reduction in serum LPS, implicating a possible role in preventing or healing leaky gut.

Another strain in Pendulum's probiotic, Clostridium butyricum, is not commonly sold as a probiotic, though there is one product on market that has it, called Miyarisan. This species is also a butyrate producer, and interestingly is protective against C. Diff infections, possibly due to genus-level similarities in its niche in the gut flora composition. Two other strains that Pendulum contains, Clostridium beijerinckii and Anaerobutyricum hallii, seem to be uncommon, but I'm not especially familiar with them. The last one, B. infantis, is very common in probiotics.

Having a deficiency in A. muciniphila seems to be pretty common, especially among those with gut issues - when I did PCR sequencing of my gut flora genome, I found I was extremely deficient. I found plenty of suggestions online for how to use prebiotics to increase A. muciniphila, but this kind of intervention can sometimes to be difficult to implement, and I imagine it would be completely ineffective if you are just missing a strain entirely. You can't feed what isn't there.

So to find an A. muciniphila probiotic is really interesting. Up until now, I had assumed there was nothing on market since this species is an obligate anaerobe and difficult to culture. I didn't see much on Pendulum's website about how they overcame this obstacle, or what data they had generated on ensuring the probiotic actually makes it securely into your gut, though. The cost of the probiotic is also rather high, at 165 dollars for a 1 month supply. I was wondering if anyone here had tried it, or even heard anything about its reputation. Perhaps Pendulum would consider making a probiotic with A. muciniphila alone, in the future, if there were enough demand.


Senior Member
This is the first time I hear of a manufacturer trying this. I knew of a trial in the Netherlands.

But it's odd. A. muciniphila is an anaerobic bacterium. It's surprising to me that they simply put it into a normal capsule. It thought it was established that anaerobic bacteria like these need to be integrated into special capsules that shields them from aerobic environments, and from the upper GIT. They also need to be refrigerated in order to survive.

By the way, I also have undetectable A. muciniphila, so probably very low if there's any residual culture at all.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I found I was extremely deficient. I found plenty of suggestions online for how to use prebiotics to increase A. muciniphila,
The cost of the probiotic is also rather high, at 165 dollars for a 1 month supply.

Yeah, given the cost I would be more inclined to try some sort of prebiotic type food to try to increase it especially since most probiotics supplements don't really "seed" the gut but just pass through.
Hi I joined this site to add my experience with Pendulum. I've been trying to contact them for weeks to find out pertinent details on their Akkermansia muciniphilia product. They seem to be the only people selling it as of now. I've been really concerned that they don't show any drug/nutrition facts on the site about it. How can you even know how much of the product you're getting? I tried calling for 3 weeks and I only ever get a message that says no one is available to take my call. I leave voice messages but no one has ever called me back. I tried emailing them and after a week of waiting, I got a response that attached a drug label which claims there is 6 mg of akkermansia per capsule. This is also pretty bizarre since we are all used to dosing probiotics with the CFUs per capsule. Most of the akkermansia studies have them given in doses of around 10 billion CFUs. So how can we determine how many CFUs are in each capsule?

I tried asking for help interpreting this label and asked how many CFUs were in the product and the company has ceased responding to me. I again tried calling and leaving messages but no one will get back to me. The company even has the option to text message someone for help. That seems a little on the unprofessional side. I can't get any information on this company and don't know if it's reputable or not, but this situation has been entirely bizarre.

I'd love some feedback from you guys.


tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
I contacted Sun Genomics customer service and asked them why my custom probiotics that they specifically formulated for me don't contain Akkermansia muciniphila, since I had almost zero detected in my stool sample. I also asked them (without naming the brand) if I should try out a probiotic with Akkermansia Muciniphilia. Here is part of the response I got:

If you’re referring to Pendulum probiotics, we have had customers who have taken it and then done our sample and their A. muciniphila levels were still 0. Since it’s an obligate anaerobe and dies when it’s exposed to oxygen, it’s extremely difficult to culture