Pem sick to my stomach?


Senior Member
Tri state area
I always have had a sensitive stomach; add to that a lot of pregnancies with severe Hg (non stop vomiting 24 hrs a day for 9 months) means my insides are ruined. My gastro suspects eosonophilic esophagitis & gastropareisis that I'm taking meds for.
I also tested positive for Candida 2 yrs back, took anti fungals was on the Candida diet & I got much sicker.
I've tried digestive enzymes, pro biotics, nothing works.
I'm bloated, nauseous, the food feels stuck, and when I vomit there's undigested pieces of food.
The functional med Dr told me to try an elemental powder & I vomited for hours afterwards.
Lately, when I get pem I feel sick to my stomach. The exhaustion hits most in my stomach and chest. Which is a problem, since I seem to have constant pem even without exertion & constant stomach issues.
I don't know what to do, ideas anyone?


Northern USA
Northern USA
Hi Pink,

Are there ANY foods or liquids that either do digest okay, without pain, ?

OR, with less-than-your-usual stomach upset/distress?

DO you continue to have the pain, as food moves through the colon, as well?
How long does it last after you eat something?

Is it like that all month long, and no matter what your activities that day?

I don't know anything to suggest, that could help you,
just wondering if any of these might help anyone have any ideas for you.

Have you tried purreed foods, to see if that makes any difference or not?

Have you tried Mirilax, or liquid antacids? Not that I am advising them. Just wondering the results, if you already did.

That is so difficult, I am sorry you live with that problem.


Senior Member
Tri state area
Hi shoshana, thanks for replying
Im on protonix and just started a steroid inhaler that's supposed to help the esophagitis. I take some zofran when the nausea gets really bad.
I tried smoothies but the texture makes me gag.
No food is better , they all make me feel horribly sick every time I eat. Allergy testing by functional Dr showed mild dairy, egg whites and shellfish. I don't eat shellfish, I am off dairy, and I try to cut down on actual eggs.
But it's worse now when the exhaustion is hitting in my stomach.
I thought it's supposed to be "post exertional " so why am I so weak all.the.time.?!
I actually had high hopes for the elemental food, bec when I was pregnant I got a picc line w tpn (liquid nutrition) and I felt so energized. [Sadly the picc line got infected, I got sepsis and that was the end of the tpn]
But my body could not tolerate the elemental food, I tried a few times.


Senior Member
Tri state area
Eta- yes the food just seems to sit like rocks, doesn't feel like it moves thru at all.
I'm sick all month long, but it's much worse around my period. (Tho hormone panels are always normal)


Northern USA
Northern USA
I do have the difficulties that overlap with yours, all the time, too.... not only "post-exertional" ....

it is worse after I do Anything, but I do not feel okay in between either.

It sounds like you are doing the best you can do, in a very difficult situation.

I hope someone else might have more suggestions, but I just eat very carefully, whatever I think I can digest at the time, I eat something nutritious, and I eat in small amounts more often, and then I deal with the difficult digestion issues that I get.

Imo, it is our entire bodies, all of the time, effected by this illness. Just about anything makes us worse, and very few things seem to help it.
But I keep trying to do the best I can, and I hope that you will too. You are worth it. For yourself, as well as to your children, just to be there, and function partially when you can.


Senior Member
Tri state area
Thank u shoshana! That's basically what I do. I made soup for dinner, weather is so miserable. But it takes so long to cook & by now I'm sitting and gasping for air.
Of course all the kiddies are getting home now, so it's very hectic .


Senior Member
Tri state area
I'm amazed at how fast food disappears here, lol!
The soup was good, but I had a terrible headache for 3 days straight. Finally eased up , but today I feel so shaky and almost like my body is in shock. It's such a weird scary feeling.


Northern USA
Northern USA
SO sorry this is still such a bad and ongoing problem, for you.
It makes me think of gluten problems, but you probably would know by now, if that was it.


Northern USA
Northern USA
Yes, I thought you likely would have checked into that, long before this. It just came to my mind, so I mentioned it, just in case.
I do wish we could think of something that would help you.