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PEm severity


Senior Member
When you have PEM?..are you still able to leave the house if you push it, or walking for a mile or so, standing for few hours?..or PEM basicly means bedridden?


Senior Member
The other side.
Could you do those things before?

Mild PEM may not prevent you reaching close to non PEM'd performance, short term, you'll feel like crap but.....But doing so while PEM'd will likely cause escalation of symptoms, continued escalation will eventually result in non functionality.

But, unless you are already severe it will probably not make you bedridden, although if on the moderate/severe borderline it may make you incapable of much else i.e. technically capable of doing some things but feeling bad enough so you have no inclination or interest in doing so - or simply incompetent physically and/or mentally - so bed or sofa becomes the safest place.


Senior Member
I’m in a permanent pem but can push through for a few days until it wins and I end up in bed for a week, I have no problem with muscles so can go for a walk and live a bit in fact I still do boom and bust as resting through better phase doesn’t help that much


Senior Member
East Sussex
I've made quite a lot of improvement from having PEM from every little thing, like getting up to make food or get a drink. To now I can do an hour walking/standing without significant debilitating PEM, but go slightly over my threshold and the worst of it comes on and knocks me back a few days. Ketogenic diet enables me to have only a very mild PEM after this one hour activity.


Senior Member
I've made quite a lot of improvement from having PEM from every little thing, like getting up to make food or get a drink. To now I can do an hour walking/standing without significant debilitating PEM, but go slightly over my threshold and the worst of it comes on and knocks me back a few days. Ketogenic diet enables me to have only a very mild PEM after this one hour activity.
Is it the diet which changed things?
My sympathies! I just came back from seeing the grandkids. Did my rest periods, didn't "overdo". Came home, spent a week in bed, crying. Then HAD to tend to a sick animal, and have been paying for it every since, with severe muscle pain, exhaustion, and nausea. I hope continuing using rest, my herbs, and heat to ease the pain will put me back to coping. Don't have a ton of hope, though


Senior Member
NSW Australia
My sympathies! I just came back from seeing the grandkids. Did my rest periods, didn't "overdo". Came home, spent a week in bed, crying. Then HAD to tend to a sick animal, and have been paying for it every since, with severe muscle pain, exhaustion, and nausea. I hope continuing using rest, my herbs, and heat to ease the pain will put me back to coping. Don't have a ton of hope, though

My very great sympathies! Hope it ends soon. Have you tried larger than usual CoQ10 doses?