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Paxlovid for C reinfection, should I have it at hand?

I developed a mild ME/CFS after my first Covid infection. Then I got reinfected and became permanently moderate. Then I had a common cold, and, for the four months now Im able to read and tolerate screens only for a fraction of time.

I feel a need to have something at hand in the case I test positive for C or even if I catch another virus. The GPs in my country offer nothing if you get reinfected. I can import Paxlovid but it cists over 1000 Euros for 5days worth of pills.

Is it worth it, in your experience, if you have been reinfected?
Or wouldyou go for something else, like maraviroc?

Thank you for sharing your experience in advance!


Senior Member
I developed a mild ME/CFS after my first Covid infection. Then I got reinfected and became permanently moderate. Then I had a common cold, and, for the four months now Im able to read and tolerate screens only for a fraction of time.

I feel a need to have something at hand in the case I test positive for C or even if I catch another virus. The GPs in my country offer nothing if you get reinfected. I can import Paxlovid but it cists over 1000 Euros for 5days worth of pills.

Is it worth it, in your experience, if you have been reinfected?
Or wouldyou go for something else, like maraviroc?

Thank you for sharing your experience in advance!

idk about pharmaceuticals.
what i do know is that a vitamin D blood level of at least 40ng+ protects from infections and complications.
so in any way you might want to consider that.

i recently am looking into Allicin. there is a stabilised product called allimax / allisure.
but of course raw uncooked garlic also has allicin. so eating at least one raw garlic glove a day could be positive (you need to chew it long in the mouth over minutes and let it dissolve - i personally cant do this anymore as my stomach is to soft and becomes irritated - allicin from those supplement seam to be much easier)
allicin is very strong for fighting parasites and infections. its antiviral, antibacterial, antifungus ...
it also increases intracellular glutathione levels by multiple factors. which is always good for infections.
garlic / allicin is very strong against MRSA pathogens. means resistant clinical bacteria.
so in any way, i always would accompany a viral infection with allicin or raw garlic to prevent secondary bacterial infections.

and its really cheap as well.

(there are other natural useful substances like C and Zink. but imho the upper two stand out. but why not get them all, its cheap... especially if you consider buying into pharmaceuticals for 1000$ for a week.)

just found this, maybe interesting:
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
This company will ship some things to Croatia where I think you are. https://www.pureformulas.com/viracon-120-capsules-by-vital-nutrients.html

@YippeeKi YOW !! had covid a second time recently and said this supplement was very helpful to both her and her husband. You could perhaps also try to find those ingredients locally and maybe make your own diy version. ???

Are you finding that you are super sensitive to things. That happens to a lot of us. If so, please start low and go slow with anything you try.

Hope you can figure something that works for you. I agree with @linusbert, a 1000Euros sounds like a lot of money.
idk about pharmaceuticals.
what i do know is that a vitamin D blood level of at least 40ng+ protects from infections and complications.
so in any way you might want to consider that.

i recently am looking into Allicin. there is a stabilised product called allimax / allisure.
but of course raw uncooked garlic also has allicin. so eating at least one raw garlic glove a day could be positive (you need to chew it long in the mouth over minutes and let it dissolve - i personally cant do this anymore as my stomach is to soft and becomes irritated - allicin from those supplement seam to be much easier)
allicin is very strong for fighting parasites and infections. its antiviral, antibacterial, antifungus ...
it also increases intracellular glutathione levels by multiple factors. which is always good for infections.
garlic / allicin is very strong against MRSA pathogens. means resistant clinical bacteria.
so in any way, i always would accompany a viral infection with allicin or raw garlic to prevent secondary bacterial infections.

and its really cheap as well.

(there are other natural useful substances like C and Zink. but imho the upper two stand out. but why not get them all, its cheap... especially if you consider buying into pharmaceuticals for 1000$ for a week.)

just found this, maybe interesting:
When I got reinfected and deteriorated to moderate, I had extensive labwork. My D vitamin levels were 93ng.
This company will ship some things to Croatia where I think you are. https://www.pureformulas.com/viracon-120-capsules-by-vital-nutrients.html

@YippeeKi YOW !! had covid a second time recently and said this supplement was very helpful to both her and her husband. You could perhaps also try to find those ingredients locally and maybe make your own diy version. ???

Are you finding that you are super sensitive to things. That happens to a lot of us. If so, please start low and go slow with anything you try.

Hope you can figure something that works for you. I agree with @linusbert, a 1000Euros sounds like a lot of money.

Fortunately, I didnt develop any new allergies. I didnt have many sensitivities before falling ill. I ate whole and live foods for the better part of my adult life, so, I dont think supplements will help w reinfection. I tried 20+ different supplements in the first 4 months after becoming moderate; someactually made me worse.

I dont mind paying 1000 euros if thats likely to prevent mefrom becoming severe. Im just not sure if itll work.


Senior Member
I tried 20+ different supplements in the first 4 months after becoming moderate; someactually made me worse.
20 ... *giggles* ... i tried stuff, i could actually have bought a tesla instead... also would have helped me equally as much with health.
well until this year, vitamin D actually helped me with allergies and asthma. to there was at least that.

its complicated!
vitamin D , is very dependent on magnesium and on vitamin A. and vitamin A is dependent on ZINK.
and selen also plays into this. the vitamin D and A share a rezeptor.
so you would need all of them. D, A, Zink, Mg, Selen.

many of us suffer from D. makes us worse. thats the sad thing about this sickness.
D made me worse on multiple accounts.